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  1. Helltaco

    Hello from Florida

    And the Left Coast.
  2. Helltaco

    Pepper Extract Methods

    Well... I didn't want to tell him how we do it with acetone he might blow himself up.
  3. Helltaco

    Plugging a surge protector into a timer

    salsalady is right. It boils down to how many amps you are trying to get through one circuit. The circuit will have a breaker or fuse to save your ass, unless something is not to code.
  4. Helltaco

    Pepper Extract Methods

    Fill a canning jar with fresh or dried peppers chopped fine. Mix one part vinegar with one part water and cover peppers. Do not let the peppers come up into air or they will spoil. Cap the jar. Keep in a cool dark place. Shake up once every day. After about 6 weeks strain through cheesecloth...
  5. Helltaco

    Fun Pepper Art
  6. Helltaco

    AACT Experiment? Procedure update. 4/6/13

    Nice test samples.
  7. Helltaco

    Compost Starter?

    Compost happens. The greatest scientists in the world would not be able to stop it.
  8. Helltaco

    diapers anyone?

    I'm postin an add on Craigslist, "Wanted free preowned diapers. From vegan babys only."
  9. Helltaco


    A good camera with the pictures blown up on the computer will show you mites quite well.
  10. Helltaco

    Finally got the homeowners association to let me grow...

    That's not a problem. You cud either put them both in different cups and have two plants or wait a while to see which one is doing the best and cut the other one off at dirt level, pinch one out now if you like. You cud experiment and let them both grow as if they were one, but that's not to...
  11. Helltaco

    T5 HO

    millworkman, you've been driving that car of yours to all the wrong places. I've got a couple of thousand dollars invested in fluorescents and my returns have been phenomenal. My cooling bills are way down from using T5s instead of HIDs. A small T5 makes more sense to me than a large T8.
  12. Helltaco

    raised-bed Raised bed self wattering garden planter

    If built right, it will only wic up so much water and the roots mostly don't grow into the wic. I would build as many as my father-in-law would pay for and no more.
  13. Helltaco

    soil Mould on Soil Surface?

    From Webster's, Mould- chiefly British variant of mold.
  14. Helltaco

    How do you spice up your instant raman noodles

    Chu cud puts a camera in my room an I put one in your room.
  15. Helltaco

    Hello from Hell

    That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me.
  16. Helltaco

    Word Association Thread

  17. Helltaco

    Cute Blond Painting the Porch

    So, this cute blond has no money and gos to a rich mans house and tells him she'll do just about anything for $50. He thinks for a while and tells her, "You can paint my porch for me. I've already got the paint, it's out in the garage. Hop to, and I'll pay you $50." One half hour latter she...
  18. Helltaco

    How do you spice up your instant raman noodles

    Hay, Lady. Chu sounds like my kinda babe, but where I come from chicas don't laugh at me. If your thinking 'bouts those high class "Cup a Noodles" they don't fit in your pocket on the way out of the liquor store.
  19. Helltaco

    Does this potting mix sound alright ?

    Are you chure that rotting wood isn't mulch over soil?