Search results

  1. KingChile

    wanted WTB Caribbean Red Habs

    Looking to buy Caribbean Red Habs as well as Red Savinas as I heard they were both very good!
  2. KingChile

    Chili flavors

    Fruitiness to the choco bhut!? I didn't taste any fruitiness lol
  3. KingChile

    for-sale Fresh picked pods for sale ***Updated List***

    I'm down then sign me up!
  4. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

    Just posted on ur post lol
  5. KingChile

    for-sale Fresh picked pods for sale ***Updated List***

    Can u do a sfrb of aji jobito, moa, Bahamian goat and lemon x inca berry? Are the lemon x inca berry pods good? They sound like they are....
  6. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

    Let me know what kinda peppers u have!!
  7. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

    Still looking guys, help me out plz if u can!!
  8. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

      2 for $35 sounds more reasonable to me
  9. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

      ah ok..i'll hit u up after I get out of work i'm heading out the door
  10. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

      I don't see anything in ur post.....
  11. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

      I've seen them but i'm looking for specific pods and they are selling mixed boxes
  12. KingChile

    wanted WTB Fresh Pepper Pods!!

    I'm looking for some really good peppers such as   7 Pot Burgundy Tepin x Lemon Aji Jobito Yellow Reaper Red Reaper Yellow BBG Bonda Ma Jacques White 7 Pot Fatalii (Red,Yellow and White) MoA Scotch Bonnet   Really pods with great flavor and not just perfume tasting crap peppers!! :)  
  13. KingChile

    labels trying to make a label for my sauce

    I'd make like 5 different designs and pick ur favorite one, if I gave my honest opinion I'd say it looks amature and doesn't really pop or get my attention. That's just my opinion thou and as I've said before since I'm a graphic designer my expectations are pretty high.
  14. KingChile

    Need A Little Help Here Hot Sauce Vets!!

    OMFG i just tried some Firestorm on some taco bell and holy fuck its HOT!!.......didnt help i thought it was super thick so i hit the bottom and A LOT came out on my taco but oh well I ate it thinkin it was like regular hot sauce and FUUUUUUCK!!
  15. KingChile

    Need A Little Help Here Hot Sauce Vets!!

      yea i was surprised i didnt think anything would come today, been tryna get family members to try some but they already know better when it comes to me.
  16. KingChile

    Need A Little Help Here Hot Sauce Vets!!

      No I JUST received it....I'm tryna talk my cuz and his girl into trying them with me, but they already know not to touch any of my hot stuff lol
  17. KingChile

    Need A Little Help Here Hot Sauce Vets!!

    OMFG!!......Hahaha SalsaLady u really send some 12.8 million shu extract also!? I'm going to kill some coworkers!!
  18. KingChile

    Need A Little Help Here Hot Sauce Vets!!

    Purees are really good but I like spices and stuff added to enhance the flavor or else I might as well just swallow a fresh pod :)
  19. KingChile

    Brain strain f*%#ed me up

      yes its called CRYING! lol
  20. KingChile

    Has anyone heard from Cappy

      I already tried to look that up lol