Search results

  1. KingChile

    least floral super hots?

    Reapers arent floral, i've only tried 7 pot yellow, burgundy and primo but none of those were floral to me.....Butch T is my absolute least favorite pepper of all time thou. I tried one once and never again will try another lol.
  2. KingChile

    least floral super hots?

    u dont detect any floral from BUTCH Ts!!?.......Those are the nastiest peppers in the world to me, eating one is like spraying some perfume in ur mouth!
  3. KingChile

    food Mmmmmm...poppers!

    I waiting to see someone make some poppers from reapers  or something hotter!!
  4. KingChile

    Hot Pepper Roulette

    :D glad i could be of help!!
  5. KingChile

    Hot Pepper Roulette

    maybe an extract oil in the chocolate maybe a pepper mash in the middle instead of just a matter what if they bite into it, it will hit them lol
  6. KingChile

    Hot Pepper Roulette

    how bout cutting a piece of a pepper (bullet shaped) and covering it with chocolate in the mold? So chocolate on the outside and pepper on the inside :)
  7. KingChile

    Hello from Michigan

    welcome  :welcome: I live in michigan too lol Lansing here!
  8. KingChile

    wanted WTB MFRB habaneros

      thank u
  9. KingChile

    powder-flake Blended powders and why

      Let me know, I would love to try that stuff it just sounds delicious!!
  10. KingChile

    wanted WTB MFRB habaneros

    I'm looking for some caribbean red and savina habs also if anyone willing to sell some. Maybe like a SFRB, and also pink scotch bonnets if anyone has any!
  11. KingChile

    powder-flake Blended powders and why

      u have any of that alder and cherry smoked Bahamian Goat and MOA powder for sale?.......That stuff sounds AMAZING!!
  12. KingChile

    Trader Joe's Ghost Pepper Potato Chips

    I liked them, they were kinda bland and thought they could use a lil more flavor, but u could taste the chilies in them.
  13. KingChile

    Trader Joe's Ghost Pepper Potato Chips

      I've had those chips before and they are not THAT hot at all, they were decent in taste but could've been better I think.
  14. KingChile

    favorite 1 or 2 favorite peppers to grow for 2016

    I would go with 7 Pot Burgundy and Tepin x Lemon Drop!!
  15. KingChile

    wanted Looking for Habaneros, anything but orange

    dang u have any more those look yummy!!.....those all habs?
  16. KingChile

    Reapers and moruga bbg7 are ready

    What exactly is a BOC?
  17. KingChile

    Chocolate moruga,bhutlahs,douglahs and ghost CLOSED

    are these the infamous Chocolate Bhutlahs of Steven or Judy's?
  18. KingChile

    Contest is closed. Congrats sevenstrings

    187........dont know how i feel about winning a box of pubes thou, lol
  19. KingChile

    seed-train Wild seed train 2015 2016

      sign me up