Search results

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    301 Hot Sauce

    Hey!! That's great Marco!;) I see you able to get into that market. I'll be looking for it, for my own use! Rick Ryder of Flynn's also spoke well of your sauces.
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    Really cool pics. I've always been fasinated by spiders and snakes. But................... After an encounter with a brown recluse last July, they leave a bad taste for me!! Could've lost my foot. I self medicated when it happened because I was at the Resort before I realized the trouble I was...
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    misc Flynn's Sauces

    :cool: HEY RICK!!!!! Are you out here to give us an UPDATE???
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    301 Hot Sauce

    Welcome to the Forums! I'm in Richmond. I a thriving business selling at Ivor, just down the street from you. Send Samples and Prices to: Frank's Sauces 1005 Forest View Dr. Richmond,Va. 23225-4431 804-833-6418
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    New to the Forum

    Welcome!! Good folks here!
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    Methinks the gal really fits in here!:) I like her attitude. Pam, you'd be a hoot at the resort. Especially on the nights when a bunch of chili-heads gather at our place for 'Sauce Sampling Night'!:) :hell: :shocked:
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    WooT! I gots me a new job!

    :) Glad to see your fortunes are picking up!:lol:
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    Take care. Life is what happens when you make other plans. When doing something you're not used to doing, you use different tendons and muscles. Rest for a while is called for now.
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    artwork Fire foods new logo

    Looks good and sounds good. I'll have to try the Naga Sauces when they come out. Bet they taste good as the Logo looks!:shocked:
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    smoking Somethings wrong here.......

    :shocked: Some places get the moniker 'The "IN-Place" to be'. And I find nothing really fantastic about the 1 or 2 I've visited becasue somebody else wanted to go there and 'be seen'.:shocked:
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    Whcih bottle should I open next?

    Open that flask of Down South and try it. You'll probably use up your limit of 75 bottles by buying Down South only.:) :shocked: While you're experimenting, May I reccomend Kato's Chocolate Candy bars? They're good!:)
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    smoking Meat Rub

    Ask Lisa of the Three Hot Tamales..:lol:
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    What hot stuff is in your home?

    Lots of every sauce listed on my site. And LOTs of unlisted ones too!:lol:
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    Burning Ring O Fire

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    Home Scoville Testing ?

    :shocked: Put some on your chest and see how long it takes to make a hole. :hell: Or elsewhere on the body.:lol:
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    Just noticed something

    I'd been wondering.:) I vote for people, not party's, if you know what I mean. Can't believe she tired of us.:) I liked her posts.
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    An open letter to restaurant owners.

    Makes sense to me.
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    Hello From Jersey Boyz Jerky

    Doug is sort of a 'Good "ole Boy'. Even if he is from Joursey. :) How you been doing Bud? Is the Jerky Taking off?
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    Greetings all

    :lol: Welcome!