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  1. Jay

    Guru's Glog 2012

    That fatalii is a beast! I'm gonna be following your overwintering guide this year for sure.
  2. Jay

    Jay's (Jordan's) small glog

    Alright, update time! Thanks to some pretty awesome people on this forum my list has grown significantly. I contacted RedtailForester about his offer for free cherry pepper seeds, and he sent me 7 other varieties! I decided I could not wait until next year, and thus my list has grown. I'm also...
  3. Jay

    WDs wife

    welcome from Ontario, Canada!
  4. Jay

    vendor Refining fire chiles I have purchased from him and would do so again. Shipped fast, good germination rates. No complaints from me.
  5. Jay

    Separating a Threesome

    If you have your heart set on saving all three, just run the root ball under water for a short period of time to remove all the soil so you can see everything and the roots are freed up a bit more. Then just take your time untangling.
  6. Jay

    Stickman's 2012 Gochu Pepper Glog

    That hoophouse is looking pretty awesome, I might have to try something like that next year. Do you plan on drying all the gochu peppers just for kimchi? never had one fresh, are they any good?
  7. Jay

    Cayennemist's Glog 2012... THE PODS ARE COMING!

    I agree, that fatalii looks great, and I like the leaves on that purple bhut. Keep it up.
  8. Jay

    Heya y'all :)

    Welcome from Ontario, Canada!
  9. Jay

    review Dan- Red Hawk Premium Peppers- good stuff- review part one

    Nice review, I might have to try some pretty soon.
  10. Jay


    :tear: that's rough..
  11. Jay

    Hi from Sydney, Australia

    Welcome from Ontario, Canada
  12. Jay

    Use it or Lose It

    After reading this thread I immediately grabbed a scotch bonnet and ate it. I've been trying to improve my tolerance for a couple months now, but have been slacking the past couple weeks.
  13. Jay

    D|KiNG's Humble growlog...2012---little girls sprinkle some powder on their food

    The ones that started off strong and went weak were most likely dampened off. Dampening off is often from overwatering. Caused by a fungus attack, often from water molds.
  14. Jay

    Howdy from Calgary

    Welcome from Ontario
  15. Jay

    When is it too late?

    I'm thinking about starting some more next week as well, So I'd be interested to hear what everyone has to say. The way I see it, a few pods is better than no pods, and if you over winter then you'll get a better start on next year with those plants anyways
  16. Jay

    seeds Seedlings not doing too well

    I would say fert burn. It might have been a little early to fertilize, especially with the worm castings in there. I might be wrong though. We'll see what other people say.
  17. Jay

    seeds Speed Up Seed Germination

    I believe the main point to scarifying is to allow water into the seed when the harder casing is not as permeable to water. Just soaking works fine for me, I don't really see the need to scarify, however I haven't tried growing manzanos. I'll take cory's word on it though.
  18. Jay

    Hello from Sherbrooke, Québec

    Welcome from Waterloo, Ontario
  19. Jay

    Hello from Alberta Canada

    Welcome from Ontario! You should be able to keep them alive on CFLs, you just might need a couple of them. Good luck!
  20. Jay

    Weird deformed true leaves?

    Earlier this year I had a similar discoloration problem which ended up being overwatering, especially with the new leaves being yellower. I would agree with the people saying its overwatering.