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  1. spysee

    If you can do your experiment outside you could build a really badass hoop house for a few hundred.

    If you can do your experiment outside you could build a really badass hoop house for a few hundred.
  2. spysee

    ikeepfish's 2014 grow log...season's end is nigh

    Man I got to get a black pearl or Pimenta de Neyde, they look so cool.
  3. spysee

    The only thing I dislike about growing in bags so far is you can't carry more than one at a...

    The only thing I dislike about growing in bags so far is you can't carry more than one at a time. Early on in the season I move them around a lot from rain/wind and carrying 4 at once is so much faster..
  4. spysee

    soluble calcium

    I think I've seen people say they use those dissolving tablets for foliar sprays, 'Tums' I think? I've never done it so don't try it without doing some research on it first.
  5. spysee

    container Dealing with excessive rain for container plants

      I've been considering doing something like this for my plants growing in growbags. Since the top of the growbags can be manipulated I figured I could fold it down towards the plant then get a big styrofoam plate, cut a slot in it, and put it overtop. Not sure if you can find styro plates big...
  6. spysee

    hybrid Couple Crazy Crosses from Trinidad

    That is really cool, perfect name!
  7. spysee

    container Dealing with excessive rain for container plants

    Last year I had major problems when it rained for hours a day for almost 2.5 weeks. Even moving them under an overhang didn't help that much because it was constantly in the shade, and the humidity was so high.   This year I've increased my drainage by adding more perlite and plan on moving...
  8. spysee

    That is why I bought my bags slowly over the last off-season. Same price, but it feels easier to...

    That is why I bought my bags slowly over the last off-season. Same price, but it feels easier to not drop 80 dollars on dirt all at once.
  9. spysee

    SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

    Ahh ok, that is a hell of a good deal. Every bag I've got this year has been 10-12 bucks :(  Definitely going to put some consideration time into learning to make my own next year!
  10. spysee

    SadisticPepper's (aka Elcap1999's) 2013/2014/2015 Oceanside glog update

    I may have missed something, if so, sorry, but Is there no way to order a few yards of potting soil from a nursery or something, so you do not have to use bagged soil? If not don't forget to check prices for truck rentals at homedepot, it might be cheaper than Uhaul.
  11. spysee

    Jedisushi06 2014 Grow, Return of the JEDI

    Man your plants look great. Your Glog makes me crazy jealous of colorado. I would totally move there if it wasn't so northy, I would freeze to death.
  12. spysee

    I love garden friends. Every time I go check on my plants I see dragonflies, seems like there is...

    I love garden friends. Every time I go check on my plants I see dragonflies, seems like there is always one on my biggest butch t.
  13. spysee

    shade Shaded hoop house side addon

    Looking good, very nice thing to do, too. I also really like your log/burl planter, looks awesome!
  14. spysee

    Grafting an albino?

    Yep that is exactly what I was wondering; if the 'mother' plant will keep the albino alive.
  15. spysee

    Grafting an albino?

    Unfortunately, no. The coolest mutation I've gotten is a 3 coty bb7.
  16. spysee

    Grafting an albino?

    If you grafted an albino sprout onto a plant could it survive? If so, would you get albino pods?
  17. spysee

    Who remembers this from when you were a kid?

    Never read the hardy boys but I read a shit load of goosebumps and almost every animorph book they made. Pretty much only read harry potter after that until I was in early/mid twenties then started reading fantasy again. Right now I'm really enjoying Brandon Sanderson, Scott Lynch, Brent Weeks...
  18. spysee

    My hot pepper growing adventure begins next year...

    If you can learn kamikaze or even kwijibo you'll be able to learn to grow peppers.
  19. spysee

    pots vs pouches

      You should hear him say foot! (cant watch video but im assuming thats the pronunciation :) )
  20. spysee

    seeds Don't you hate "helmet head" seedlings?

    I had quite a few this year. I had much better success pulling the seeds off by NOT grabbing on the edge of the seed. The ones I grabbed the front/back of seed all came off easily, I lost 3/4 of the ones I tried to save by grabbing the edges.