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  1. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    Saving that for special Made a stirfry Friday with 70 % Defcon 1, 30 % Defcon 2... Great combo... Not beer related, but you brought Defcon up... THAT is my healthy addiction...:cool:
  2. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    That's because you thought you were looking at your old high school picture...;)
  3. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    yeah - I am looking forward to no more hangovers...and no more regrets from the nite before... Thanks dude. I am hoping I haven't done anything irreversible...time will tell.. Thanks. That is what I realized at the meeting. Quitting isn't a hobby. It's a 24 hour a day job... Thanks. I...
  4. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    for years all I kept trying to do was 'drink better'... well, I finally realized that I can't. I am still getting dizzy spells so i am clearly feeling withdrawing, which is good, because it confirms there was a problem I was hiding from. I spent a great weekend with my dad and my 18 year old...
  5. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    I only see mad mothers at the
  6. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    Thanks to all for the comments and offers of support. It is refreshing and encouraging. It's not often one makes a life altering decision. Lostmind's dad - I want to be that guy...
  7. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    thanks to both. it really is like a weight has been lifted...
  8. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    LOL... you kill me ... I am rededicating myself to my cooking hobby. Tonights dinner was mini red potatoes, green beans, yellow beans, garlic ( all from one of the local farmers stands ), in a cast iron skillet, sauteed in olive oil and a combo of Defcon 1 and 2. Tossed in wild blueberries...
  9. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

  10. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    I am looking forward to one day saying the same thing... Normally I'd say cheers
  11. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    I'm a real nice guy when sober... Much more likeable... Especially when I look in the mirror... yeah - a little scary, but I am happy to face the truth... Thanks TB. One day at a time, as they say...
  12. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    afraid so dude... :drunk: HC has gotta go...p***es too many people off... I admire people who can have 2 or 3 and walk away... I, unfortunately, am not one of them...
  13. Hot Canuck

    An overdue appointment

    Attended my first AA meeting today... Should have gone years ago... To those my dark side has insulted over the last year (geez sober HC is sick of apologizing for drunk HC) I do apologize, for what little that is worth. Step one... I am an alcoholic... Hopefully new and improved folks...and...
  14. Hot Canuck


    Spelling - Iggy FAIL the word's spelt impassowable
  15. Hot Canuck

    food Nuclear Chicken Wings

    Oh man... between the chance for that, meeting you and a few others, and having a couple more pints with Iggy, I'm dying to go... i'm exploring my options...
  16. Hot Canuck

    food Nuclear Chicken Wings

    I'm trying to. Been swamped with bills since I bought the house. Everytime I turn around there's another surprise expense. Only thing that's holding me up is $$$.
  17. Hot Canuck

    Mom's in the hospital...just found out

    I fractured my skull years lasting effects...marf marf snorkel...aaahhhhhh Defcon 1...hello hello!!! Glad moms okay Iggy...
  18. Hot Canuck


    and why I'll have to retell it...:lol:
  19. Hot Canuck


  20. Hot Canuck

    food Nuclear Chicken Wings

    any chicken wing recipe is a good recipe... keep them coming... :cool: