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  1. BSH

    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Yeah. It's a spikey beast Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  2. BSH

    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Peach moruga. Delicious, but saving seeds from a true pheno pod. There are some perfect moruga shapes to come - this one is more of a reaper phenotype, which I also like :):):):)
  3. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    When you buy seeds for random peppers online, you don't always get what you wanted. This was supposed to be a peach bbg7 from Italy. No calyx, no peach, but red and hot. Sweet and tasty not bbg7 skin. Second plant looks promising so we shall see.
  4. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Peach moruga has great flavor, no floral qualities at all, and a good burn - not violent, but smooth. Amazing pepper that will make a great sauce I bet.
  5. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    They are starting to touch, for sure, but I will start trimming them so that they only grow up. I want them to pump out as many pods as possible to sell at the market or on Kijiji, or on here. They get a shot of fertilizer every week and will be giving them some calmag next also to ward off...
  6. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Thank you! I have even scarier stuff loading up but not enough time to document them all. Will post them up asap. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  7. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Second time this has happened this season...the pod I want to desperately save seeds from gets bitten! Ugh! Peach apocalypse looking pretty close to last year.
  8. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    The patch is well over 3 feet tall. Brown reaper cross is 4 feet tall I bet.
  9. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Got seeds from Justin White. I can send you some in the fall if you want to do another trade my friend :) Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  10. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    This peach moruga is going to hurt tonight
  11. BSH

    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Mustardgum nagabrains are coming out peach Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  12. BSH

    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Scariest reaper I have ever grown, and it's only a baby! Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  13. BSH

    Bhuter's 2018 Glog

    Cinder f2 throwing out all kinds of phenotypes
  14. BSH

    Bhuter's 2018 Glog

    That cinder looks glorious my friend Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  15. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Mine is from Mojo peppers. Unknown cross - plant has dark purple foliage like a PDN. No idea what the cross could be. Hasn't set a single pod yet :(. Hopefully one takes soon. Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  16. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Had it labeled as a "chocolate primo?" But now I know it's a bhutlah BBG7! Forgot I planted one!
  17. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Chocolate primo is basically molten lava Bbg7 peach ghost Jami is shaping up
  18. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Me too! I had some plants get mixed up when my greenhouse got destroyed. They got ejected from their marked containers. They might be chocolate primos but I really hope not. I guess we'll see Sent from my Nexus 6P using Tapatalk
  19. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Morning shots. More to come. Yellow reaper Unreaper Devil's tongue peach cross Giant chocolate ghost Chocolate BBG7 x reaper White bhut JW Apocalypse chocolate Defcon 7 Peach moruga Mojo 7 pot cinder f2 Primo TP 2017 WHP brown moruga Bhutlah black X (off pheno)
  20. BSH

    BrookSideSuperhots 2018 - taking it up a notch

    Peach morugas continue to get more and more pimpled out/scary. Very thin walls on these. Second pic is BBG7 peach ghost Jami which appears to be the proper pheno so far. Pretty lucky seeing as how it is only f2. Last pic is the patch this morning at 9am or so.