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  1. kentishman

    fermenting Kimchi yummy in the tummy!!

    Nice red color. You must have used a lot of peppers. What sort of peppers did you use?
  2. kentishman

    Murraya koenigii aka Curry Leaf plant

    Excellent plant. I got a small plant that came up at the base of a plant about 10 feet tall growing outdoors in Miami. Ive kept it alive for more than 10 years here in SC. Outdoors in summer, bring it in over winter. Usually loses most leaves in late winter but bounces back once its outside...
  3. kentishman

    trade Seeds offer / trade

    Generous offer.
  4. kentishman

    Will my Poblanos ever turn red?

    I want to save seeds from my poblanos, so I am waiting for them to turn red. Best I have so far are a brown color. Hope they are ripe enough to be viable. Does anyone know?
  5. kentishman

    smoking Smokewood Database

    I was told a long time ago that, as a rule of thumb, both fruitwoods and nutwoods are good for smoking.
  6. kentishman

    Odd Vietnamese Pepper

    Pedro, I read your post with interest because Im growing an unknown Vietnamese pepper. I get my hair cut at a place run by a Vietnamese couple, and the wifes mother brought dried peppers from Vietnam. They gave me some of the mix and I germinated the seeds that were in with the dried pepper...
  7. kentishman

    Hello From A New Company! (ScoviForge)

    Welcome and good luck with your project.
  8. kentishman

    Variegated Jalapeno Plant?

    The variegated foliage is a lot different from the variegation on the fish peppers I have grown. The variegation on the pods looks a lot like the variegated fish pepper pods I grew.
  9. kentishman

    Caranx Thailand farmlife

    Thanks for posting all the pics, especially the local fruit.
  10. kentishman

    Variegated Jalapeno Plant?

    Very attractive foliage and fruit. I like it.
  11. kentishman

    Found peppers in Central America

    So you cant be far from McClellanville where good shrimp comes from.
  12. kentishman

    Found peppers in Central America

    Good work MrGanja, exciting find. Where are you in SC? Im just NW of Clemson.
  13. kentishman

    wanted Looking for Free Seeds to get started if available

    Welcome SCPeppapa from Oconee County, SC.
  14. kentishman

    Chile madness!!!

    Greetings from South Carolina. You live in the perfect place for your landrace project. Best of luck with it. Keep us posted on how you do.
  15. kentishman

    Veggies and Peppers....the relaxed version.

    Everything looks good. Obviously, you know what youre doing!
  16. kentishman

    Weird Food Combination?

    I finally tried something Ive been thinking about eating for a while: my homemade kimchi and cottage cheese. It sounds weird, but I was surprised how well they went together. My wife liked it as well, so maybe we are both weird! Apart from anything else, it has to be pretty healthy.
  17. kentishman

    food Cooking with My Own Peppers!

    Cant wait to see how the meal turns out.
  18. kentishman

    food Cooking with My Own Peppers!

    I hope its a big success. What sort of peppers?
  19. kentishman

    food Cooking with My Own Peppers!

    Whats on the menu?