Search results

  1. Epicfire

    wanted Anyone want to trade seeds?

    I have a ton, so if anyone else is interested I will definitely have enough still lol
  2. Epicfire

    wanted Anyone want to trade seeds?

    Just sent message!! :)
  3. Epicfire

    wanted Anyone want to trade seeds?

    I am not sure if this is the correct area to post this. I wanted to know if anyone wanted to trade for chili pequin seeds. That's all I have rip.
  4. Epicfire

    Can Carolina reapers grow in Austin, TX?

    Which pepper do you think I could plant without starting indoors? And is the hottest one in that category
  5. Epicfire

    Can Carolina reapers grow in Austin, TX?

    Thanks for everyone's help! I have another question, if I am going to plant seeds directly outside without stating them indoors, when should I plant them?
  6. Epicfire

    Can Carolina reapers grow in Austin, TX?

    I have had a hard time finding this out. I think Austin has a hardiness of 9! If you know anything can you please let me know! Thanks :)
  7. Epicfire

    Back from a long time away!

    Hello guys! I have been here before, but not for a long time. I am from Austin Texas and I am a sophomore in high school. My interest in peppers has been coming back again!
  8. Epicfire

    It is an aji pineapple

    It is an aji pineapple
  9. Epicfire

    extra seeds left over -- trading, and donating *closed*

    Here is a website on it
  10. Epicfire

    extra seeds left over -- trading, and donating *closed*

    i changed it to only donations or trade.
  11. Epicfire

    extra seeds left over -- trading, and donating *closed*

    just edited the post
  12. Epicfire

    wanted looking for

    i have 7 pot primo seeds
  13. Epicfire

    extra seeds left over -- trading, and donating *closed*

    I have a lot of seeds left over from people donating them to me, so much that they will probably go bad before I can plant them all. I am willing donate, or trade. pm me.   What I have (10 seeds each): red Bhut Chocolate moruga 7 pot prime yellow Jamaican mushroom white bullet habanero red...
  14. Epicfire

    one of my seeds sprouted after a week of waiting!

    one of my seeds sprouted after a week of waiting!
  15. Epicfire

    free Free Seeds via SASBE: Brain Strain Yellow, Jonah, Naga Morich, Brazilian Starfish

    i'm interested in the 7 pot jonah and nice looking plants!!
  16. Epicfire

    New to growing

    msg me
  17. Epicfire

    Where to buy fresh pods :)

    look at the market place. I saw an ad for fresh peppers. never mind, didn't finish reading post before I posted
  18. Epicfire

    dehydrators Is this a good dehydrator?

    I saw this on Amazon and I wanted to know if this is a good dehydrator.
  19. Epicfire

    wanted Looking for Live plants

    ok thanks