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  1. Chiliac

    Growing Conditions

    She'll like them anyway, they look beautiful with their hairy leaves and the purple flowers. They'd look great in hanging baskets, I'm sure.
  2. Chiliac


    It may indicate that you keep the soil in the trays too moist.
  3. Chiliac


    Shut up ffs!!!! Don't make me feel older than I am on this bleak day!!!!
  4. Chiliac


    I gave them a bag of Cheddar Chips by Blair, they are only rated as medium hot, but I guess they'll do the job!
  5. Chiliac

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    The only pro about having this neighbour was that I could be sure that I could play music loud whenever I wanted to, knowing he wouldn't complain. He was an embarassment anyway, if had a better taste, okay... but he was playing crap only!
  6. Chiliac


    I can't believe it, three kids dressed up as monsters just knocked on my door! I gave them a bag of Blairs Chips.
  7. Chiliac

    QUICK! Need beer advice

    I'd just pick some that sound cool and drink my way through. Not all on one night, but sooner or later I'd try them all. Well, that's what I'd do if there was any place even slightly similiar to this over here!!! I like to try new beers, so the ones I don't know would be most tempting.
  8. Chiliac

    Looking for some horseradish

    Stupid question: Can't this be grown from seeds? ...or do you need cuttings/roots??
  9. Chiliac

    First Timer

    Annuum varities are the easiest to grow, but you shouldn't run into problems with other varieties except some wild ones or slow germinating pubescens either. Check out this site: You'll find lots of infos about growing peppers etc. and also an extensive database of more than...
  10. Chiliac

    lighting Grow Lights?

    I agree, I am using Opera. I noticed that sometimes YouTube vids won't play under Opera or Firefox, so I need to use IE for YouTube only, strange...
  11. Chiliac

    Growing Conditions

    True, their side branches love to stretch out pretty much!
  12. Chiliac

    Your only allowed 1.

    I couldn't pick one variety only. I only grew a single variety once some years ago, that was a Bird's Eye, but the only reason was that I didn't have too many seeds and most didn't germinate. Well, if I really had to choose, it'd probably be something like a Jalapeno, great taste and some heat...
  13. Chiliac

    Trying to pick an ornamental...

    You're lucky if they don't taste like s**t, some - like Bolivian Rainbow - do not taste great, but at least you can eat them without spitting them out after 5 seconds. Aurora must be the worst tasting ornamental I've ever tried. Medusa has a nice taste, but no heat.
  14. Chiliac

    hot-sauce Just got two sauces: Tears of Joy's August in Austin & CaJohn's Fatlii Fire

    I know what you mea, there are some sauces that I really didn't like when I tried them straight from the bottle and almost regretted buying them, but tasted really good on something! I have never tried Fatalii Fire so I can't say if that'd be one of them, but CaJohns Fatalii puree is something I...
  15. Chiliac

    Crazy weather

    There was no frost yet here, but last night it came pretty close it seems, some of my plants had suffered massively and I had to pick all the peppers so they won't rot on the plants (or what's left of them!). I have put the ripening hoods back on and hope they'll provide some protection!
  16. Chiliac

    Growing Conditions

    They'll probably need a while to set fruit, once they do they are pretty prolific. They also take longer than most peppers to germinate. It's good to start them early, they need a lot of time.
  17. Chiliac

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    OMG - my thoughts are with you, RB!!! I had a neighbour some years ago that was playing all kinds of crap all day (and nite!) long at full volume and even sung along now and then.
  18. Chiliac

    Patio Peppers Growing in Edison, NJ

    What kind of habs are those? Only a few look like a hab imo, but I'm not trying to say that you are wrong - I'm just curious!
  19. Chiliac

    It's a Hot Pepper Halloween...

    Your house will be the one children avoid from next year on! The one, where the strange evil guy lives who supposedly eats children in his cellar!
  20. Chiliac


    Sounds good - have a great day and try not to get arrested!