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  1. scotchnaga85

    What is causing this? ?

    Yeah it's probably just living in the pod. I've had many pods in the past succumb to these, it seems some strains are more susceptible... I once had 2 scotch bonnets & 2 orange habs - not a single orange Hab on either plant where feasted on, meanwhile pretty much all of the scotch bonnets where.
  2. scotchnaga85

    What is causing this? ?

    Caterpillar of some sorts most likely.
  3. scotchnaga85

    What could be the cause of this?

    Hi, :-) I pretty sure it's not a watering issue.. they're growing in pots in the British climate so to fully explain would take up half a page. So in a nutshell they get watered when they wilt and the pot feels light, if however the pot is not light and they've wilted I will leave it until the...
  4. scotchnaga85

    What could be the cause of this?

    I've been occasionally watering lately with Epsom, but the older leafs especially, though younger as well, are still turning. Perhaps I should up the dose? Or would an increase in frequency be better.
  5. scotchnaga85

    Few Pod Shots

    A few ripe shots   And my yellow 7 is now producing proper shaped pods unlike the one i've just posted above:  
  6. scotchnaga85

    What could be the cause of this?

    Could this be a magnesium issue?     I've have quite a few leafs like it though they're not always as pronounced as this. They eventually drop off.   Thank you :)
  7. scotchnaga85


    My Red Brainstrain's       
  8. scotchnaga85


    Some really evil looking pods in here  :evil:  :hell:  :onfire:  :hot:  :mouthonfire:  :lol: and some interesting information to regarding the brainstrains, thank you :)
  9. scotchnaga85


    Better tasting ;) I wouldn't know, I've never read any past debates/ discussions. Pretty sure these are the real deal though :D
  10. scotchnaga85


      I know the yellow 7 is a Brainstrain lol.. but i think the Red 7 pot is in a league of its own with the Moruga's :onfire:  :fireball:  :hell:  . I scratched an itch on my neck about 25 minutes ago and the skin is still burning, it feels like I've got deep heat on my neck.    That plant is a...
  11. scotchnaga85


      It had a bug hole that's why i initially split it... i rinsed it though because it was covered in copper from the fungus spray.   the yellow brain's when i ate them last year where hot, very hot, but they where only around the naga level i'd say.   I've grown these brainstrain's from one...
  12. scotchnaga85


    What is the scoville of 7 pot brainstrain?   I thought it was approx 1 million however after cutting into one of my dwarf pods and then rinsing it under the sink i found throat being irritated - admittedly i had my head quite close to the split pod.   I then sliced the baby pod up and licked the...
  13. scotchnaga85

    some dark/black spot on pods

    It's not likely to be BER as the soft spot is at the pod rather then the bottom. I reckon its most likely sun burn.
  14. scotchnaga85

    some dark/black spot on pods

    It could be sunburn.
  15. scotchnaga85

    some dark/black spot on pods

    I have 2 brainstrain pods with soft spots, I'm still deliberating on whether to pluck and cut. I suspect either BER or a bug for mine. I don't have spots like yours, that said yours could just be sun tan spots, or something else not relevant to the soft spot. I await with interest to see what...
  16. scotchnaga85

    Dorset Naga Pods Starting Out Purple?

    As already mentioned it's just sun tanned, and yes they will still grow okay :)
  17. scotchnaga85

    Healthy plants yellowing

    I've recently started using sulfur to lower the ph in my blueberry pots, I've read that it's micro organisms such as bacteria in the soil that break the sulfur down and the waste product is sulphuric acid. It's got me wondering if there is a way to encourage these "organisms", sugary water maybe?
  18. scotchnaga85

    Healthy plants yellowing

    I have a probe but it's probably different to yours. I find if the soil is to wet or dry, or to warm the probe is not great. Also try leaving the probe in the soil mix for 5 minutes, I've observed mine give a very alkaline initial reading only to gradually come down over 5-10 minutes.
  19. scotchnaga85

    Healthy plants yellowing

    Is it a probe, strip, or one of those you take a soil sample and mix to get PH? Have you done any test runs with your ph tester to check it works? For example testing soapy water, vinger, or even unused compost?
  20. scotchnaga85

    Healthy plants yellowing

    The rain won't be alkaline, if anything it would be acidic, but certainly not alkaline.