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  1. hottoddy

    Thought you guys/gals might find this cool :-)

    Cool and interesting read. I grew up in Covina. My dad still lives there. I've been by the plant a few times. I'm surprised (and happy) they buy their peppers just up the coast - woulda swore it would be Mexico. Nice to hear about a long-time successful US pepper farmer.
  2. hottoddy

    pics Lets see your meanest, most gnarly pods!!!

    Here's my TSMB x Yellow Fatalii hybrid. Hot but tasty. Some have little tails and look pretty mean.  
  3. hottoddy

    Help me figure these twisted distorted leave problem Please

    Leaf curl is a bugger for me to diagnose. I get it on some of my plants, but most are fine. Typical causes include:   1. Mite damage 2. Heat stress 3. Over fertilizing 4. Under fertilizing (calcium deficiency) 5. Virus 6. Herbicide damage (2,4-D) - even from neighborhood drift.   Best you can do...
  4. hottoddy

    fruit set help

    I wouldn't bother. You may get a bunch of fruit setting soon, as the days are now getting shorter. You'll be surprise how quick it can happen. You should still have into October, so there's lots of time. I tap and shake my plants from time to time while watering but dunno if it helps any.   A...
  5. hottoddy

    Not A Chocolate Fatalii

      That's a good guess, Mr B! I was wondering the same. My fataliis usually don't have as many indentations, but it's an early pod. I tasted one today and it's very hot - way hotter than my yellow fataliis. It gave me the hiccups! So, I'm leaning toward an unknown fatalii cross. It might be a keeper.
  6. hottoddy

    Not A Chocolate Fatalii

    This was labeled a "Chocolate Fatalii" in seed trade. I know it's impossible to tell, but I thought I'd ask your opinions. I think it has a 7 Pot Jonah/Naga/Jigsaw look. I'll taste it soon, and perhaps once more big pods appear, I will be able to narrow it down a bit. Whatcha think?     I have...
  7. hottoddy

    my anal is fire

    The anal mouth? You eated it wrong!
  8. hottoddy

    Why choose food mill over Blender?

    I think it's mainly aesthetic. When I want a super smooth sauce, I blend or puree in a food processor, then use a food mill (inexpensive hand crank style) later on to remove seeds and some skin. For small batches, you can de-seed but that's time consuming. Powerful blenders, like the Blendtec or...
  9. hottoddy

    Strawberry Chocolate Brain Strain Hot Sauce (Micro Batch Test)

      Thanks! I put Loran strawberries in last year. They didn't do much the first year, but came back strong this season. Not the most beautiful berry, they grow in waves all summer long. Figured I'd put them to good use. The farm I help at is grows lots of berries and my bhuts. I'm thinking a...
  10. hottoddy

    Strawberry Chocolate Brain Strain Hot Sauce (Micro Batch Test)

    I do this a lot during pod season, but haven't posted one in a while. This sauce a bit of a test, and outside my normal recipes, but it turned out really nice. I'm not a big fruity hot sauce fan, but the strawberries with the chocolate brain strain were a very nice balance. I might have to make...
  11. hottoddy

    overwintering Can't say enough about Over-Wintering (with pics)

    That's awesome! I overwintered about 15 plants this year in the garage. Half didn't come back or were put out of their misery. Half of the survivors are still stunted and under-producing the new starts but show recent signs of coming on strong. Maybe 7 or so thrived right away.   This was my...
  12. hottoddy

    Pretty sure I've got some herbicide damage here

    2, 4-D is fairly common. Scotts, Ortho, Sevin, almost all weed-b-gone type sprays and granules. I can smell it.   Here's a product list I found on Google.
  13. hottoddy

    Hottoddy 2015 - 2016

    Here's a few of my red F2s. Sorry about the bad light, I took the picture inside last night.      
  14. hottoddy

    what is the best tasting chocolate hot pepper?

    Just got some chocolate brains from Cappy - very nice indeed. But I don't think there's a "best." Too subjective and many work better in different applications (sauce, fresh, powdered, smoked, salsa ...). I also like choc hab, bhur, moruga. I've also got a chocolate fatalii x red savina that's...
  15. hottoddy

    breeding Planned crosses

    Bell x 7 Pot Chocolate Lava  :P
  16. hottoddy

    fertilizer Too much rain, how to keep up fertilizer

      :lol:  Amazon has them for $2.99 per 18 with free shipping here. Not sure if that's a great deal, but I usually see them for about $3.99 in the stores. If my math is right, you could spike 108 plants for $17.94. You may be able to find a time release granular for cheaper at someplace like...
  17. hottoddy

    fertilizer Too much rain, how to keep up fertilizer

    In ground? After growing near Portland, OR for many years, I never had much of a problem in well drained pots but in ground can be problematic. You may want to consider fertilizer spikes, which dissolve slowly over the season. I've heard a lot of good things with Jobe's Tomato Fertlizer Spikes...
  18. hottoddy

    Hottoddy 2015 - 2016

    Here's me playing with fire a few weeks back. This was kinda an ambush video. It sure beats hand cutting holes! This method allows for 200 peppers on a 100ft x 3ft no-till row.
  19. hottoddy

    Hottoddy 2015 - 2016

      Thanks for the update. That red SB x NM pod looks great! I'm getting both orange and red phenotypes on both that cross and the Fatalii x TSMB.
  20. hottoddy

    Hottoddy 2015 - 2016

    Here are some updated pictures of the home grow today. I have a lot more growth (and pod) than last year at this time.      Here are some pictures out at the farm. The first picture is the main pepper section (mixed with some tomatoes). It's hard to tell, but the second picture is about 55...