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  1. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

        i have a pizza party oven. please read this post:   they started with wood fired ovens. then they started making gas models. you can also easily slide the burner out and build a wood fire in its place, so it's really a...
  2. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    ok, i got some pizzas out of it!   most of them had a cheeseburger theme going. i think the best one i made was light red sauce, light parm, cheddar (below other ingredients because it kept burning), red onion, pre-cooked ground beef (well browned), and mozz. slicked pickles and olive oil...
  3. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

      it was fridged in november at peak activity and hadn't been fed until a week ago. i have gotten away with this before, but not this time. maybe if i kept screwing with it i could get it back (google 'washing' techniques), but whatever. i'm going to start fresh with some dehydrated culture.
  4. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    i didn't want to waste the dough, so i gave it another chance. it got an extra day at 60°F, and it's looking better. now it's in the fridge. my guess is the taste will be a bit off, and it will be harder to work with (lower strength and elasticity). but i think i'll get some pizzas out of it.  ...
  5. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    WM, those pickles look delightful. i hope they turn out great.     lol ashen, speaking of signature material...   i couldn't get it up tonight. i swear, this has never happened before!!  :lol:   but seriously, the pizza dough did not rise much.   everything about the recipe was right (starter...
  6. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    SL, that's a hearty ass breakfast. very nice.   keybrdkid, great looking stir fry.   flavorful and healthy meal there, ashen.     pizza is underway. they had a 24h bulk ferment, and i just finished balling the dough:     the skin's a little torn but whatever. tomorrow's pizza day!   for dinner...
  7. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    yea man, it's slim pickins out there. i'm investigating new flour for pizza dough since i have only 4kg left. i'm eyeing
  8. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    nice Qdog   just finished up some chicken noodle soup from a couple days ago     tonight i'm making a batch of sourdough for neapolitan pizza it's a two day ferment  
  9. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

      yes, malicious PDFs are absolutely a thing. not a new thing or obscure thing either.   if you're paranoid, you should use utilities like peepdf, pdfid, and pdf-parser. you can use a kali linux vm or something...
  10. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

    how did i miss that april 1 post. haha
  11. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

      technically, it's the exif data that corrects this.   many cameras store all images in the native sensor orientation and rely on metadata (exif) to indicate the correct display orientation. the problem is that this metadata is either stripped at some point (sometimes during upload to a...
  12. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

    google (scholar, patents, ...) + libgen + scihub = ultimate library it won't hit obscure journals, and it's not a perfect substitute for things like scifinder, but it's pretty damn good for $0   aside from copyright concerns (if that's your thing), i do sometimes worry about malware in PDFs...
  13. sinensis


  14. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

    i'd like that. some other forums i'm on (unrelated subjects) have scientific literature threads or discussion areas.
  15. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

    you offered to nerd out, and i guess i'm wondering if you have a list of interesting articles, or a preferred botany literature aggregator, or even just a favorite journal that you read or something. i can also go back to cosmetology though, nbd  ;)   going back on topic.. in addition to what...
  16. sinensis

    cull baby peppers or not

      i do, but plant biology is a huge field, and i never know where to start. i've got libgen and scihub though.
  17. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    awesome butt, WarrantMan. are you a shredder/puller or a slicer? i've been doing slices lately on my butts.
  18. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    good looking burg! i've never had a ground pork burger. do you like it as much as a beef patty, or were you just using stuff up/trying something new? for example, i think turkey burgers taste fine but even so are inferior to beef.
  19. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    oh yeah, i don't put salt in rubs. i salt separately. i just feel like i get more control that way, and the salinity of the food isn't affected by how much rub you pack onto it.    also, time permitting, i put the salt on in advance ("dry brining"). if it's a big piece of meat like a whole...
  20. sinensis

    food S.I.P./Quarantine Cooking

    wow GIP, i think chili is in the near future for me.. that looks too good.   SL, badass pork butt. looks like you know what you're doing, but i'll share some thoughts..   if you ever wanna try something new, here's the current iteration of my pork butt rub. the measurements are in grams:   white...