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  1. R1dreamer

    Scott and Amanda's growlog

  2. R1dreamer

    Scott and Amanda's growlog

  3. R1dreamer

    Scott and Amanda's growlog

    Peppers   Carolina reaper Black bhutlah CP 288 SLP F2 Yellow 7 pot 7 pot bubblegum   Germination method   Grow plugs in a hovabator 1602 incubator   Grow method   DWC 3.5 gallon buckets / 600watt HPS         January 16, 2016     Triple cotyledon on reaper. Jan 16, 2016    
  4. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    Yes I was pollinating. Flicking individual flowers and shaking the whole plant. None took though. I had cayennes and reapers side by side in the same DWC water. The 2 cayennes spit out pods like crazy but the 2 reapers didn't spit out one. I think super hots are much more picky...
  5. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    Good god that's nice!
  6. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    I'm in Edmonton. I can't put anything out until May long. And even then its risky.
  7. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    Thats great to hear. I also bought a cool mist fan and wick style humidifier with integral hygromter and shut-off  that will be placed in the box to control humidity.
  8. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

      Can i ask you (or anyone else) what nutrients you are using and if you are happy? I think i will stick to DWC but try a new nute. I was thinking general hydroponics Floraduo perhaps?
  9. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    Sometimes I dream about living in Florida where I could grow outside to my hearts content. Unfortunately i have 8 months of winter. Maybe half my plants in coco or soil and the other half in DWC?
  10. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    Is it true that Hydro pods will never taste as good as soil(less)?
  11. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

      Well actually I'm pretty sure I didn't get pods because my nitrogen was high, humidity was less than 20 percent and I was not patient at all. After about 2 or 3 weeks of about a million flowers falling off i pulled my plants out of the water, got them in soil outside.   Why aren't more people...
  12. R1dreamer

    soil DWC hydro or Soil for indoor basement grow?

    Hey everybody   I am in the process of building a new 4' x 4' growbox for a basement grow for super hot Chinenses.  I was initially intending of going strictly LED but last night I completely changed my mind and bought a 600 watt HPS with dimmable digital ballast. I was also intending of going...
  13. R1dreamer

    Happy switching from HPS to LED?

    i just pulled the trigger on a 600 watt HPS. The LED I am currently using tends to give me "dwarflike" plants. Extremely thick stock, very short with dense foliage. I'm going to give HPS a go.
  14. R1dreamer

    Happy switching from HPS to LED?

    I'm in the process of setting up my new 4'x4' Growbox for superhots. I'm still unsure of getting a fancy LED or just going with a tried and tested HPS. How many of you have made the jump from HPS to LED (or vise versa) and been completely happy?
  15. R1dreamer

    lighting Has something to do with Lights!

    That will work for seedlings or lettuce but I think that's about it. Maybe a 400 watt hps is worth a look. Or a mars hydro LED.
  16. R1dreamer

    rock wool

            Never tried rockwool but I can tell you that grow plugs are leaps and bounds ahead of the old "pucks". Not only germination rate but time required. Grow plugs in my incubator at 85 and 70 percent humidity, we're talking basically 100 germination rate or pretty close. I should mention...
  17. R1dreamer

    lighting Flower drop and lighting

    Thanks so much for the input guys!! I'm starting to think that I had 2 problems with setting fruit in the DWC (very similar to Jase).   1. Too much nitrogen. I had my nutes set for veg / growth which was very nitrogen heavy and never switched over to bloom. 2. Too much nutrients period! I was...
  18. R1dreamer

    lighting Flower drop and lighting

    Wow. Thanks a bunch for the info!
  19. R1dreamer

    lighting Flower drop and lighting

    I have had an inner turmoil for months trying to decide which route to take..... I intend on making a new larger grow box for super hots. Roughly 3' x 3'. I will be going DWC for sure but I am undecided on the lighting. I previously had a California Lightworks 220 watt full spectrum LED over 2...
  20. R1dreamer

    health Black spots on over-wintered reaper leaves.

    Ok. I'm going to remove all foliage and get very aggressive with a copper / sulfur spray and perhaps h202. I won't let this guy go without a fight. I want him tip top by summer. It's not a bug problem for sure. I've checked very closely. I had a very bad case of aphids I couldn't beat until I...