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  1. birdfather

    What kind of mutation is this?

    i'd take special care of that one, it could end up being a cool cross, you could stabilize it, and have your own pepper. or, they could've accidentally mixed up a seed. or, like you say, it could be a mutation, but i think that is the least likely possibility, but maybe not impossible. anyway...
  2. birdfather

    bz963's glog

    looks like you are doing quite well. i'd get that jamaican outside soon. when it gets some real sun it's gonna give you lots more peppers.
  3. birdfather

    soil Forget the shills I need a soil answer.

    +1 on armac's statement. there is TONS of growing info on cannabis growing forums, that is freely available. don't let your OCD keep you from that wealth of knowledge.
  4. birdfather

    soil Forget the shills I need a soil answer.

    i use the jungle growth professional mix for my potted plants, works great. price isn't too bad at 8 bucks for a big bag.  if you're filling raised beds, i'd consider mixing your own soil. it'll be a lot cheaper. there's a great soil thread in the growing forum
  5. birdfather

    Pot Color - Root Temps

     i didn't realize you're on a rooftop. i can see black pots being detrimental 
  6. birdfather

    Grocery Store Mystery Pepper - Any Ideas?

    interesting blood red color
  7. birdfather

    seeds how hot is too hot for seeds to germinate?

    +100 on shade. i have a screened in patio, and my seeds sit on a table that gets maybe one hour of evening sun filtered through the screen and put some plastic wrap over the pots. humidity is key
  8. birdfather

    Pot Color - Root Temps

    you probably shouldn't have to worry. i'm in florida and i use black pots for my potted plants and i pretty much get pods all year round just much less during the cold months. just make sure they're watered when they need it. pots dry out quick and need to be hit with nutes more often
  9. birdfather

    Something's killing my maters

    maybe try pulling the mulch away from the stalk a little bit. i know that can cause problems
  10. birdfather


    botanicare is the shit. very good stuff, if you don't mind the price
  11. birdfather

    Will my plants continue growing if I let them fruit?

    yes. they will. if you give them nitrogen they will grow. not as much as if they were not fruiting, but yes they will continue to grow
  12. birdfather

    moruga scorp?

    that sounds wonderful. i have some spanish naga pods that just ripened up and the seeds should be dry enough to send in a few days
  13. birdfather

    moruga scorp?

    thank you, sir. i'm looking forward to enjoying and sharing them
  14. birdfather

    moruga scorp?

    we'll see when it ripens but for some reason i think it's a yellow 7 and i didn't grow any butch-t. i've never grown it, actually.
  15. birdfather

    moruga scorp?

    yes i forgot to mention that i'm not sure what they are because of lazy tagging. my memory isn't good enough to remember everything i planted, i guess. so, i have an educated guess of what they are, but i'm not 100%
  16. birdfather

    moruga scorp?

    i also have these growing, which i think are yellow 7, but it sure looks brainy to me. [/url]
  17. birdfather

    moruga scorp?

  18. birdfather

    Ultra Hot Grow Op: Probably a lost cause but hoping to learn from my mistakes

    i wouldn't abandon your grow. those plants are fine. just a little leggy. just pot those up but bury them till they're about an inch tall from the soil. they should grow fine. those look like healthy seedlings to me. DO NOT ABANDON! KEEP THE PLANTS! THEY ARE FINE!!!!
  19. birdfather

    Trinidad Scorpion - Red/orange last season - now black?

    def suntan. i have lots of peppers with purple sides/tops. in regards to when to harvest, when they are ripe. you will be able to tell, they should ripen to the same color they did last year, even though i have heard of plants reverting from yellow to red after years of overwintering, but i...
  20. birdfather

    is this parasitic wasp larvae or what?

    take a look at this and tell me what you see. comparing it to google images, it looks to be parasitic wasp larvae, but i can never be too sure. thanks for the input.