I'm sure that could work too. However, I'm actually looking into doing a hydroponics setup sometime soon. I know those premium potting mixes can be pretty expensive (I have 18 plants). I'd hate to invest in that much quality potting mix just to end up switching over to hydroponics shortly after.
Sounds good. Fish stuff and better ph tester with litmus paper will be here Wednesday. I'll do everything we talked about, and post on here again when I start to see changes.
Ok. Just flush and ph down and wait for fish. Is this the fish feed you are talking about?
The 0-10-10 was a liquid. The 26-12-8 and 10-10-10 were both soluble granules. I would think that since water dissolves them so quickly it shouldn't be an issue to wash out... hopefully. And yeah, my ph meter is one of those 3 function ph/ water/ light meters on amazon. It did have good...
10-4! Ill wash em out, and i actually have some ph down on hand. Just need to get some fish stuff. I havent been using any slow release fertilizer so all good there. Probably should get a better ph meter too. Digital. Thanks solid7
I havent removed any fertilizer yet. Maybe ill try doing a complete purge on one plant and see how it does. The question is though, should i add a well balanced fertilizer immediately afterwards?
Well i could do a complete purge and run water through each pot for 20 minutes or so... but then im sure id be washing away a lot of beneficial things too. But i guess its either that or just wait and see if they will recover huh?
I filled a clean glass 1/3 with potting mix from a couple of my plants. Then filled the other 2/3 with distilled water and stirred for 5 minutes. Then let it sit for a half hour to let the sediment settle. Then stuck the probe into the liquid and got my reading.
Hey Guys, It's been almost 2 weeks since I started using a balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer and I'm STILL having leaves turn yellow and fall off. What's the deal? I thought the nitrogen would fix the issue.
PH is at 7.5 on my cheap meter. I know the potting mix is not hydrophobic. I don't think...
I didn't read about the algae. I work at a place that grows food hydroponically in re-purposed shipping containers. After a 3 week growth cycle, there is always a substantial amount of algae in the trays when the plants are harvested.
Thanks for all the links guys! Good info and a lot to think about. Im leaning towards deep water culture. Also worried about algae. Cleaning the system once a week seems like it could be one heck of an ordeal!
Thanks solid7, I will do some research and see what all it takes investment wise. If it seems right for me, I will definitely be making a thread. Year round pods has always been my goal.
I have been wanting to get into hydro growing. Can you "transplant" a soil grown plant into a hydro setup by washing away all the soil? Or would I need to start with new plants?
This year I started all my peppers indoors under a grow light. Once it got warm enough, I moved half of them outside but kept the other half indoors. I have tried to set up optimal conditions inside, but the peppers outside are almost twice as big as the indoor grown peppers and they appear more...