Did you do a slurry test, and measure the EC of the resultant solution?
What do you actually know about what you're doing right now? That's not a snide remark, I'm asking you for any information that you've actually worked to obtain.
We (collectively) need to get away from trying to pinpoint single nutrient deficiencies, and start seeing what's going on with the plant as a system.
The problem with where we're at right now, is that you dosed with 0-10-10. Then, you added 10-10-10. So you've got a 10-20-20 fertilizer in your plants right now. You didn't see a turnaround, so you've clearly got something locked up. Truthfully, when you don't have nitrogen working symbiotically with other nutrients, it's going to cause you a problem and/or take some time to get it sorted back out. Chemistry is all about molecular relationships.
EC test. You will get no definitive answers - only guesses and stabs in the dark - until you post this.