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  1. R

    Yard full of volunteer peppers

    I believe my raised bed that I had 10 Aji plants in and subsequently turned over a lot of fallen off rotten peppers at the end of last season, has a metric shit ton of Aji's growing in it.  I started to pull them as I was de-weeding the beds prior to plant out for this season and realized that...
  2. R

    What did I order: Chocolate Moruga Brains

      Well once these grow out ill make sure to hit you up and supply you with a few to try.
  3. R

    What did I order: Chocolate Moruga Brains

      I hope I NEVER drive to Miami again.  I spent 2.5 months down there for work and really dont care for Miami after that.  Plus 20 hours in the thanks.
  4. R

    What did I order: Chocolate Moruga Brains

    damn I was just down in melbourne last week, well drove by it on my way home from Miami...   Nah, dont necessarily care if these are "brain strain" or whatever, just trying to figure out what they are since google really doesnt bring up anything, but a few sites selling them.  It keeps pushing...
  5. R

    What did I order: Chocolate Moruga Brains

    What exactly is this pepper?   I ordered seeds from Refining Fire Chili's as I have in the past.   I THOUGHT I was ordering Chocolate Brain Strain, but I guess I didnt read close enough.   The description says its a Butch T development so I am sure it will be good, but searching through Google...
  6. R

    Freezing: how dead is dead

      like I said earlier, I figured as such, but you know how it is, gotta see if there is any hope.   Ive already got new seeds going in the starter.
  7. R

    Freezing: how dead is dead

    Here is the main trunk of the reaper plants.     Branches that all look dead   I cut back one plant completely as I really have nothing to lose and this was the inside of the main lower stems as they branch off the trunk.     All of the bark on every plant was loose and cracked.  I pulled it...
  8. R

    Freezing: how dead is dead

      none of the ones we ate tasted very good.  People preferred the reaper over it and the overall winner was the Jays Peach by a long shot.   I would like to work a chocolate variety in this year(and hopefully beyond) just not sure what.
  9. R

    Freezing: how dead is dead

    I already, 4 weeks ago, resigned myself to the fact that they were dead.   Ill get some pics in the morning.   2 years...down the drain.   At least I know not to waste my time on the BOC's again, they were gross.  Im going to double up on the Jay's Peach Ghost.
  10. R

    Freezing: how dead is dead

    So here is my long saga in short form: I got a new job that required me to be away from home for 2.5 months.  I just got back tonight.  My "friend" that was supposed to come cut all my plants back, dig them out, re-pot them, put them in my grow tent, etc... before the first freeze completely and...
  11. R

    food What was the last spicy meal you cooked?

    California Pizza Kitchen frozen pizza.  Think this one is the "white" pizza.  Added an entire Jays Peach Ghost.  Going to wreck myself.     AAR(after action report): Meh, slightly disappointing.  I think there was way to much dairy on this pizza.  The bites would be hot, but overall they...
  12. R

    Infestation! (picture included)

    Bonide Fruit and Nut does the trick for me.  There are 2 or 3 Bonide products that work and all have around the same name(citrus, fruit and nut.... Tomato and Vegetable...).  Get the concentrate and mix yourself.    No issues trying to get lady bugs to stick around or go exactly where you want...
  13. R

    I'm about to get my ass kicked by hurricane Matthew

    put em inside.  They wont die inside in 4-5 days that you might be gone.   If your house blows away you got bigger problems than some plants.   Stay safe.
  14. R

    2016 Pepper Hauls

    Is it bad my plants are just setting due to the crazy hot summer...   Ill add to this thread in November or December.
  15. R

    shade 30% Percent Shade Cloth Study

      I ordered my 40% on Amazon.  Think it was a 10x20 piece that I cut into 5x6 pieces.  Think it was 30 bucks.
  16. R

    shade 30% Percent Shade Cloth Study

    Mine is black.  Dont think the actual color of the shade cloth changes anything.   Nothing helps when the ambient temp is over 95f.  I didnt get pods all summer.  Last week when it cooled off for 4-5 days, I got a ton that set, now its 100 again and im getting nothing but flower drop.  Supposed...
  17. R

    shade 30% Percent Shade Cloth Study

    As soon as I put up 40% shade cloth early this summer here in Dallas I saw a dramatic increase in growth of my plants.  Before that the sun was just to brutal and they were getting so hot they would go into survival mode.  Now they only go into survival mode for a few hours at the hottest part...
  18. R

    Do hornworms travel in packs

    I found and murdered 3 more tonight that were munching on my tomato forest.   Ive got 8, 8 foot tall tomato plants that have all grown together.  Its a disaster area.   I could see areas they had stripped and it was easy to locate them after that.  Murdered with the sharp point of my freshly...
  19. R

    Do hornworms travel in packs

    I bought a cheap 8 dollar UV flashlight at lowes last night.  Went out and did a thorough inspection and didnt see anything, but I will keep checking obviously.
  20. R

    Do hornworms travel in packs

    I went out and looked all over again and didnt see anymore.   I am reading that they glow under black light?