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  1. ErolDude

    DIY heat mat

    Awesome, been looking for a heat mat for a while. will probably just buy one though. This is pretty cool though
  2. ErolDude

    seed-train European Seed train...

    So paper towel in ziploc bag, and then put to a warm place? Do you open the bags for air or what?
  3. ErolDude

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Here is all i started this year, some were culled due to me messing the seedlings up some just didnt sprout
  4. ErolDude

    seed-train European Seed train...

    Almost none of the seeds I took from the train have sprouted yet :(
  5. ErolDude

    Tango's 2016 first season

    :welcome:  from Bosnia :D
  6. ErolDude

    First glog

    Going oldschool again, screw the coir. Black dirt ftw  
  7. ErolDude

    First glog

    To be honest on the one hand they are really good since they are sterile and can be planted whole when the plant needs repotting. But for slow growing things like peppers they suck to be honest. They don't have any nutrients, and most of my plants are already suffering before they are big enough...
  8. ErolDude

    First glog

    Sad update:   I have snipped everything except the two lemon drops. I am going to re start this season since it isn't too late yet. I was a bit too hasty a few weeks back with fertilizing which ended up in most of the seedlings true leaves to become white. I don't think there is a point in...
  9. ErolDude

    Embryonic Leaves Yellowing, True Leaves Curling Upwards

    I think this is a common symptom of overwatering.
  10. ErolDude

    Ornamentals what is the best tasting ?

    I'm growing rainbows as well this year, they were the first to sprout so high expectations
  11. ErolDude

    overwintering Over winter fail ...

    Meh, I will probably mess it up again but I will try this season using your method :D
  12. ErolDude

    Ornamentals what is the best tasting ?

    I'd send you some seeds but i'm from Europe soooooo
  13. ErolDude

    overwintering Over winter fail ...

    Nah, didn't do any of that. Was I supposed to?
  14. ErolDude

    Ornamentals what is the best tasting ?

    That looks an awful lot like Chupertinho
  15. ErolDude

    overwintering Over winter fail ...

    Used to be a purty plant, yeah :(
  16. ErolDude

    overwintering Over winter fail ...

    I messed up with my overwintering, I had 5 BEAUTIFUL plants (all were like the one in the photo) that I cut the roots on and planted into smaller pots, also cut back the leaves, all that remains are brown dried up stalks.
  17. ErolDude

    Ornamentals what is the best tasting ?

    +1 on the goats weed, that thing grows like crazy too
  18. ErolDude

    New guy from China.

    :welcome:  from Bosnia and Herzegovina
  19. ErolDude

    First glog

    Removed two varieties, none of the seedlings I had looked good and one of them showed no signs of germination, added a bunch more varieties that I will prepare tommorow.
  20. ErolDude

    seeds Sigh here we go again, seedling yellow leaves

     I'll try doing something, thanks guys :)