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  1. Sarg3

    why won't flowers set pods

    stop feeding they probably have too much nitrogen to allow them to set.  Other things that seem to make flowers drop in my experience is when the soil stays too wet for too long or too dry for too long. 
  2. Sarg3

    breeding Share Any Breeding Tips?

    I'd love to find some good tips in here.  I have read that many times and tried to cross a few times this year and last.  I keep getting flower drops.  I've tried painting it on, dusting it by tapping the father to be flower above the stigma and I have tried rubbing the father to be flower on...
  3. Sarg3

    Let's talk about isolation.

    Please do :) That's why I haven't updated but I believe the bit we had roll out today was the last of it for a few days. 
  4. Sarg3

    Pimenta Trepadeira do Werner

    I'll be pulling seed from these 3 pods and drying them out.  Send me a message in about a week and I will just send you some.  I can't really call it a bite.  You can feel a small amount of warmth on the tongue and lips but it's nothing hot at all
  5. Sarg3

    Pimenta Trepadeira do Werner

    I got the seeds for this from Wayright and I am extremely thankful that he sent these along with others.  I have been waiting for them to ripen and it seemed like they never would.    My son and I go out today to move some pots around and he spotted them and said red peppers Daddy.  I just tried...
  6. Sarg3

    chinense First Reaper

    lol I feel a little bad now but your son had me laughing almost all the way through that. 
  7. Sarg3

    Am I the only one who ...

    Careful.  I got a warning from this same thing.  Made a suggestion to the member they should get to know the place a bit before spamming it.  Was warned, and that member never did post again and was indeed here for nothing ther than to spam the board.
  8. Sarg3

    Check Out My Not Jigsaws (Updated Pics)

    Obviously chocolate reapers.  :)
  9. Sarg3

    Browning's first glog, 2014. Work in progress

    Few more random photos from through the season.   
  10. Sarg3

    pruning Prunned, 2 months after

    While you may not get much of a return this year, if you have the room overwinter them.  When you bring them out next year they will most likely produce like crazy. 
  11. Sarg3

    Let's talk about isolation.

    Wood glues I had never even thought of but that's a great idea and I thank you. 
  12. Sarg3

    favorite Favorite pod reviewers?

    Nigel, by far. 
  13. Sarg3

    Let's talk about isolation.

    Quick update:   Rain is your enemy.  We had a nice rain and wind storm last night and I just went out and removed a bunch of bread ties from open flowers.  The rain, as I assumed it would, turned the glue back into a liquid and released the flower from its grip, thus allowing them to open which...
  14. Sarg3

    harvesting Carolina Reaper Harvest

    Is that one just sunburnt or??  Post a couple pictures of it alone.  :)
  15. Sarg3

    vendor Seacowboy

    nice load of peppers. Good luck with the wife.  :)
  16. Sarg3

    Free Pods to the best quote

    "The more I learn about people, the more I like my dog"- Mark Twain
  17. Sarg3

    USPS fail!

    lol well while that may be a bigger issue than mine, yes, I am pissed.  I was so excited for this pepper to be reviewed.  Monday being a holiday, it will be Tuesday before it arrives.
  18. Sarg3

    Frozen peppers and possible options? Pics inside.

    I don't advise dehydrating in the house at all.  I set mine up on the deck.  Tried in the house once and within 20 minutes the whole house was toxic.  We were coughing, eyes burning, etc.  lol
  19. Sarg3

    USPS fail!

    So pissed off.  Think the pod I sent will still be in decent shape?  It was probably 90% ripe. 
  20. Sarg3

    Frozen peppers and possible options? Pics inside.

    dehydrating from frozen is fine.  They tend not to thaw well and aren't so bad if you go straight from freezer to cooking while frozen.  If I were to dehydrate and depending on my dehydrator I would probably toss them in it frozen.   By the way, cool trick for freezing.  Use a straw and suck out...