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  1. Little Minnie

    Bummed- too few super hots again this year

    Now that I can call most of my germination over I am bummed with my numbers. Not that anyone has contacted me about buying them but I guess I assume people will want to buy sometime before June. I saved my own bhut seed and it did ok but only ended up with about 1 dozen. I received some Naga...
  2. Little Minnie

    overwintering OVER WINTERED--BLOWING UP!! pics

    Yours looks awesome! This is my Bhut plant my mom is babysitting for winter.
  3. Little Minnie

    Best grow medium?

    I have a big bale of Pro Mix BX this year but if I needed smaller quantities, I really liked the gold Organic bag at Walmart for $4. It isn't the small size but medium- not sure ounces. I loved the texture. I had a couple bags left this winter and it is a joy to work with. The Pro Mix BX is...
  4. Little Minnie

    wanted Wanted unusual heirloom tomato seeds

    I have a number of heirloom seeds. I would trade for the peppers as long as I can get them real quick for this year or just wait and seed next year. tomato, aunt Ginny's purple tomato, Big Rainbow tomato, depp's pink firefly tomato, gold medal...
  5. Little Minnie

    Took 3 evenings to get all my peppers started!

    I know what you mean, heat rises. But the heater fan is on the floor and the top is open. I have to find my greenhouse thermometer and get some temps. I wonder where it is...
  6. Little Minnie


    They look very healthy. That is a lot of cups to make room for too!
  7. Little Minnie

    Took 3 evenings to get all my peppers started!

    Finally done. yawn. Now I am wishing I had started earlier. I have a bunch of last year's plant tags (cat litter tub strips cut in pieces) that say 'bhut 2/3'. I started chitting the superhots on 2/23 this year. Well I can't go back in time. I am hoping to get them out to the greenhouse when all...
  8. Little Minnie

    health What is wrong with me?

    There is a pepper in the Seed Savers Exchange member yearbook that claims to not produce gastro discomfort. It is called Cabuchile. Sounds like a c. fruatscens as it says the pepper grow upright. But it says they are 'very hot'. I might try to get seeds next year.
  9. Little Minnie


    What you are talking about is lasagna gardening or layering- not technically no till gardening. No till gardening means not ever tilling- not just when starting a garden. Lasagna gardening can be done fine in spring and planted into as long as you are planting transplants- nothing that gets...
  10. Little Minnie

    Peter Pepper Anyone?

    Well ahem, I found Peter to be extremely easy to germinate and the absolute biggest and fastest seedling ever! It was about mature when it went in the garden. Then it did nothing. It was one of the last to fruit. So it was a tease I guess. Looked like it would perform well all season and it...
  11. Little Minnie

    organic Using organic farm manure .

    Chicken will not burn if it is composted but chicken and rabbit are high in N and better for vining or leafy crops (greens, brassicas, cucurbits). I will restate it is important to watch the N with peppers. I used fresh rabbit manure years ago on peppers and then I planted them rather far apart...
  12. Little Minnie


    Similar to the mosquito dunks is a product called Fungus Gnat granules from Gardens Alive (same pesticide I think- a form of Bt). Once you order from them they haunt you forever along with all their sister companies but the stuff works. I have had major fungus gnats in the past. My sticky traps...
  13. Little Minnie

    Best way to start bhuts?

    I start bhuts and other superhots on wet paper towels in baggies. 1 baggie for each variety. I then put them on a heating pad. They don't have the 100% germination rate many other peppers do so it works best to do it this way rather than in cells. When started in cells you are forever waiting...
  14. Little Minnie

    Yes, hi!

    Yes and that hall a PEE nos also turn into chi POL tays!
  15. Little Minnie

    Yes, hi!

    Wow thanks for all the welcomes!
  16. Little Minnie

    is this normal

    The light is too far away.
  17. Little Minnie

    peter chilli

    Not from Australia but have some. :halo:
  18. Little Minnie

    Yes, hi!

    If you are on other gardening forums you probably know me. I haven't joined a hot pepper forum before. I grow a lot of hot peppers and sell plants and pods. In Minnesota it is hard to find people to buy them. When they want them, they really want them, otherwise HALL A PEE NOS are as hot as they...