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  1. T

    Late season Jalapeno finally popping off! 73 and counting!

    I can't wait to try some more "rare" pepper varieties next year!  This was a impulse one day at walmart haha, started with 3 bags of soil, the 3 sprouts, a month later I have 14 bags of soil, 5 lights, nutrients, and a baby bell pepper plant going bwahahahah Most likely going to skip melons...
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    Late season Jalapeno finally popping off! 73 and counting!

    (The short version, I found 73 total peppers today on my single plant that was started late, growing in a 5 gallon bucket, cheap soil, cheap fertilizer, still another 10-12 flowers that I just pollinated)!  Now for the details ha!  I started way late in zone5b  June 10th with a 5-6" tall...
  3. T

    Jalapeno flowers not opening

    I also only get 4 hours of direct sunlight, so I bought CFL's, however I'm using 5 CFL' on mine (well 2 directly on my Jalapeno, 2 kinda in between my Jalapeno and baby bell peppers, and the last one just on the bels.  I run my CFL's 10-11 hours a day, shutting them off during direct sunlight. ...
  4. T

    Adding Calcium?

    Curious if and how much calcium I should add to my container plants?  I used super cheap potting soil that has a lot of mulch, it seems to drain pretty well.  Growing in 2 5 gallon buckets, Jalapeno in one container, 2 baby bells in the other (and my 2 watermelon plants in a 45 gallon tote...
  5. T

    First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!

    So my Sugar baby melon plant really isn't doing great.  The first 2 melons that appeared seem stalled, not sure why exactly (my lack of sun might be the issue).  My 3rd sugar baby that appeared after them, is nearly the same size, but it seems to be slowing down at this point, all 3 are only a...
  6. T

    pests Tiny black pests and ants?!

    So I was closely checking my 2 pepper buckets just now, and noticed a good amount of tiny flying black insects, they weren't really flying "far" away, just flying around the base of the Jalapeno... I haven't spotted any in my bell pepper bucket, and the two 5 gallon buckets sit touching each...
  7. T

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Well my Jalapeno plant is still exploding with growth, it's becoming a giant in such a short time!  At least once a day I shake it vigorously to pollinate, lately I have started to brush against the (stigma I think?) and also flick the flowers themselves, I see pollen dropping out, just started...
  8. T

    What is this on baby bell pepper?

    I saw your post, those look rough!   I'm almost certain mine can't be sun scalding, I only get 4-4.5 hours of direct sunlight a day, although it is during the hottest hours of the day (west facing porch).  Plus my plants have tons of leaves, and daily I have them spun a different angle towards...
  9. T

    indoor Growing Jalapeno's indoors?

    I might ditch the idea of keeping my bell peppers going all winter, and "maybe" just prune them back and "overwinter them".  But I have dreams of keeping my Jalapeno plant growing year round.  I have a small closet, so it wont be far from each wall.  I plan on adding aluminum foil flat against...
  10. T

    What is this on baby bell pepper?

    Thanks for the responses!  I'll monitor the rest of my peppers to make sure they don't start looking the same, if they do, I'll definitely add calcium! Soon as I noticed the apparent mold, I separated the plant (only moved it across the porch lol), I have been watering a lot lately due to high...
  11. T

    What is this on baby bell pepper?

    Good call, I need to grab some tums/knock off tums anyways lol, was on my grocery list!   Now I'm worried about the white fungi looking stuff.  I saw this in my "research" and reading online not long ago, forgot what it was, but heard it destroyed plants root system, ugh.   I figured I might...
  12. T

    What is this on baby bell pepper?

    Crap, just found something that concerns me, I remember reading about this, forgot what it was, but know it kills plants and dont think there is much to change it.....   Found some what looks like while mycelium near the  base of my 2 baby bells I'm wondering if this came from the limbs that I...
  13. T

    What is this on baby bell pepper?

    Yeah I was thinking it could be a Calcium deficiency, but wasn't sure, which is why I came for guidance.   I was recently laid off and can't afford to buy a PH tester or have a soil test done, I was hoping I could find like some $2-$3 ph test strips, but eveything I've found locally is like...
  14. T

    What is this on baby bell pepper?

    Just noticed this today on one of my 2 sibling baby red bell pepper plants Feels kind of "soft" when I lightly squeeze it.  Wondered if this indicates I'm doing something wrong (not enough of something, too much of something, disease?)   There are around 8-10 ish baby red bells growing between...
  15. T

    First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!

    Found my first 2 Jalapeno's today, the one in the picture, and the other is like the size of a pea lol.  I feel like a proud little Jalapeno father LOL I hope it explodes with growth.  And I still plan on over wintering it and trying to produce from it.  I think I might cut my bell's way back...
  16. T

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    found 2 tiny little Jalapenos today!  YEAH!  Now I hope it explodes with growth  :dance:  From the pics I've seen online, there are lots of scraggly plants that aren't near as stout/thick/bushy/tall as mine that have a rediculous amount of fruits, so hoping mine will take off like crazy! edit...
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    First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!

    Just stepped out about 5 minutes ago (9:25 central time) to kick my lights off and took this pic.   I live a few miles from the international air port, scared a plane might think my porch is landing lights for the runway =P    
  18. T

    First time grower, outdoor, and trying to overwinter!

    Not the best pics, right now getting my direct sun for the day and my camera phone isn't the best.  But 8 day update.   My Jalapeno plant has grown 3 inches taller in 3 days!  I'm now starting to measure it more often, it's catching up with my bell pepper plants in size lol!   Only one of my...
  19. T

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    My plants are growing fast, the leaves look great, they look healthy as can be!  Just no pepper set on the jalapenos yet  About to be mid-high 80's for the next 2 weeks My Jalapeno plant grew 3 inches in 3 days!  My baby bell's are growing great laso and producing fruit, the Jalapeno is almost...
  20. T

    No fruit on Jalapeno plant?

    Yeah from my "research" i hear that using shade in high heat is the best, it's hard to find good info, as everyone lives in different regions, uses different growing mediums, some are above ground some are in ground, different light amounts etc etc.  My only problem is my direct sunlight starts...