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  1. Flakes

    how long to wait?

    Peroxide is more for disinfection than anything else, it might also help soften the seed coating. I don't generally use it because seeds germinate just fine without it, but it might be worth a go if there are issues with the seeds and if you expect a longer germination period (more time for...
  2. Flakes

    how long to wait?

    If it's warm and moist, most seeds should germinate within 2 weeks. I don't think I've ever had any seed germinate after more than 30 days - but I do "pre-germinate" all my seeds in perlite, so I can see exactly when they pop. If you're doing it directly in the soil/mixture, then it takes a few...
  3. Flakes

    Pepper oil and vinegar for a fundraiser

    Botulism is so rare, you're probably more likely to die of a fire while making the oil... But anyway - wouldn't it be trivially easy to simply heat the oil to 250F for 3 minutes - which will kill it? Oil isn't like water where you have to use a pressure cooker to bet up to those temps.
  4. Flakes

    Black light vs fluorescent?

    Black :lol: I germinate all my peppers indoors, just get some CFL bulbs (or MH, HPS, regular flurescent) and you're off! :) Basically you can use almost anything but regular incandescent bulbs (or black lights :)), it just depends how appropriate the light spectrum is going to be...
  5. Flakes

    Hab questions

    I've heard that taking a focused pic of them can make them start producing. When you have flowers, you potentially have peppers...are there any flowers on your blur?
  6. Flakes

    Ghost Chili Leaves Splotching

    Yes, it is - at least for plants with smooth leaves - like peppers.
  7. Flakes

    Ghost Chili Leaves Splotching

    Yeah, there's certainly something to it - there's acid rain, there's all kinds of things that could be present in the water, just the fact that it's a "pool" of water and things stick to it and live/grow in it, backsplash from the ground (if it's been raining), etc... But you can't just take a...
  8. Flakes

    Ghost Chili Leaves Splotching

    You know that's a myth, right? The droplet would have to be suspended above the leaf to actually act as a lense and would have to ba large enough and somehow not evaporate in the hot sun for this to work.
  9. Flakes

    Ghost Chili Leaves Splotching

    Looks like localized burn/scorch of some kind to me - are you sure you didn't spill something on those leaves - maybe when you were transplanting? I don't see any signs of overwatering, your plant looks just fine to me.
  10. Flakes

    greenhouse Culti-cave (greenhouse)

    Well, for 40 pounds you can't make that much of a mistake, so if you think it's bif enough for your purposes, it's probably a good choice - but I wouldn't expect too much. And I wouldn't be putting any heating elements/lights anywhere near that plastic, that can't be safe. Lights are a good...
  11. Flakes

    tutorial The Comprehensive Guide to Over-Wintering

    I would just skip the tent and use a 400w-600w reflector (around $100-$150) plus an oscilating fan ($20). More than enough wattage as far as I'm concearned.
  12. Flakes

    greenhouse Culti-cave (greenhouse)

    How much does it cost? I generally don't find any of these small greenhouses very useful - either the cheap plastic tents or the more expensive, sturdier ones. I can't imagine them being practical for growing anything larger than a bit of lettuce... But, if it's big enough for your needs and if...
  13. Flakes

    Hab questions

    You've got a greeen blur(b) growing on your chili, that's what you've got there... :crazy:
  14. Flakes

    Ghost Chili Leaves Splotching

    Hi Chili_Author! I keep hearing about "transplant shock" but I've not seen it yet, I think you've really got to try hard to cause any real damage, especially if you're just potting up. A few old bottom leaves falling off is normal - transplant or not - but if it's excessive and if there are...
  15. Flakes

    smoking smoked habs:)

    Thanks, I'm going to try cherry and I've got a couple of grapevines that'll need a trim soon, so might as well try that too. :)
  16. Flakes

    indoor Starting to hand pollinate indoor peppers help!

    Well, but you're obviously talking about keeping your plants outdoors - then of course you've got all kinds of bugs and just good old wind to do the work. Indoors, it's quite another story.
  17. Flakes

    indoor Starting to hand pollinate indoor peppers help!

    Yes, but mostly I just use cuttings and just avoid the whole seed mess... :)
  18. Flakes

    smoking smoked habs:)

    This is exactly what I've had in mind for the past couple of weeks but haven't gotten around to doing it yet... Which wood do you guys like best for smoking peppers?
  19. Flakes

    indoor Starting to hand pollinate indoor peppers help!

    JesterJoker, I usually just use my fingers, because I can't remember where I'd put my brush. It works very well and it will certainly increase your yield dramatically in the absence of air movement/pollinators. EDIT: Oh, and - pics or it didn't happen! :)
  20. Flakes

    water Over-watered plants issue

    I would just wait it out, to be honest, the damage is already done and repotting it is likely to do more harm than good. There's not really that much that you can do to a healthy plant by overwatering it for a short period of time and it's not necessarily true that this was the cause of your...