watering Over-watered plants issue

'ello. Here's the gist of my dilemma: went away on a week-long trip and it seems that my roommate was a tad too liberal in watering 3 of my plants. So much so that the developing flowers turned brown and died :( I was grateful that my roommate watched them for me considering that there are @ 12 plants but now I have three plants w/ too much water in the soil. What makes matters worse is that the soil is the water-retention type that is reluctant to give-up the water so simply tipping-the-pots doesn't seem to do anything. Add to this the fact that I have very little surplus soil to go around. Ay me!
'ello. Here's the gist of my dilemma: went away on a week-long trip and it seems that my roommate was a tad too liberal in watering 3 of my plants. So much so that the developing flowers turned brown and died :( I was grateful that my roommate watched them for me considering that there are @ 12 plants but now I have three plants w/ too much water in the soil. What makes matters worse is that the soil is the water-retention type that is reluctant to give-up the water so simply tipping-the-pots doesn't seem to do anything. Add to this the fact that I have very little surplus soil to go around. Ay me!
i would put them in front of a fan for a few days and they should be good. how old/tall are they?
Luckily, I forgot I had @ 2 gallons worth of surplus soil on the balcony. I repotted them w/ dirt that isn't water-logged. We'll see what happens now. I left the wet soil out on the deck to aerate and maybe dry-out some. I had enough to do 2 plants so, when the soil on the balcony dries-out, I'll re-pot the 3rd plant.
'ello. Here's the gist of my dilemma: went away on a week-long trip and it seems that my roommate was a tad too liberal in watering 3 of my plants. So much so that the developing flowers turned brown and died :( I was grateful that my roommate watched them for me considering that there are @ 12 plants but now I have three plants w/ too much water in the soil. What makes matters worse is that the soil is the water-retention type that is reluctant to give-up the water so simply tipping-the-pots doesn't seem to do anything. Add to this the fact that I have very little surplus soil to go around. Ay me!

I would just wait it out, to be honest, the damage is already done and repotting it is likely to do more harm than good. There's not really that much that you can do to a healthy plant by overwatering it for a short period of time and it's not necessarily true that this was the cause of your flower drop - there are a lot of factors that could cause it. I say put the peppers next to a fan and give it a couple of days to dry off a bit, then resume with normal watering.
My Fresno was the most seriously over-watered. I was nurturing that plant w/ a delicacy hitherto unknown. Sad that it happened. All the delicate parts such as new growth and flowers had withered to a brown. There are still some healthy leaves but all the flower pods have basically withered away :(
here's what it looks like after @ a week after being re-potted in non-water logged dirt:



You can see how all the terminal growth has withered away. Wondering if I should prune it down?