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  1. Notrod

    have Yellow Bhut Jolokia and Fatalli seeds for sase

    Seeds are doing great. I put 6 in a wet paper towel and less than a week later all seeds have a taproot. So far they are doing better than the store bought seeds.
  2. Notrod

    have Yellow Bhut Jolokia and Fatalli seeds for sase

    Can't wait to try the yellow bhuts. Thanks again.
  3. Notrod

    A few seeds

    I see a couple I wouldn't mind trying. I'll PM you
  4. Notrod

    Pretty Pictures

    Over the hill from where I grew up in SW VA What I have to put up with now in MI
  5. Notrod

    Are any cayennes worth growing?

    Not sure where windchicken got his, but I agree they have a little more heat and flavor than a generic cayenne. I was able to get a few plants from another forum member last year. I love to pick and eat fresh cayenne types with a meal. Now that I look back, I should've saved some seeds.
  6. Notrod

    Boondock Saints

    "Boondock Saints" is probably one of my favorite movies of all time. It was so good I didn't want to watch the second one cause I knew it could never compare. Another movie that is similar in a lot of ways is "The Book of Eli". It's missing some of the humor, but is every bit as good.
  7. Notrod

    sun Is this sunscalding?

    Looks like it to me. Ease them into the sun and they will be just fine
  8. Notrod

    1988 5.0 Mustang LX question

    computers only do what they are told. a good tune shop will get you where you want to be.
  9. Notrod

    Is it Possible

    I have had pods w/ less light than that. I had jalapenos and orange habs put out pods under 3 100W equivalent CFLs. I was unable to get anything off of the Bhut, but I got nothing outside on the Bhut either.
  10. Notrod

    Bhut leaf turned yellow and whitish and fell off

    how often do you water and feed?
  11. Notrod

    "Fire and Forget" growing.

    I'm not sure what that is. I'll have to look it up.
  12. Notrod

    "Fire and Forget" growing.

    I guess if it was that easy then everyone would be growing that way huh? Guess I'd be better off trying to get her hooked on heat.
  13. Notrod

    "Fire and Forget" growing.

    I have been lucky to have a wife that cared for my plants like she cared for me. Now that a few plants have turned into a few dozen, she wants nothing to do with them. I was wanting to know what the best self sufficient hydro system is. I have lights and timers and other goodies from indoor...
  14. Notrod

    how to keep pets away?

    I had a problem last year with my boxer wanting to chew on my pepper plants. Since he will eat anything I give him, I gave him a jalapeno. After he spit out that pepper, he's never even licked the plants. Might not have been the nicest way to do it, but he wont touch my plants.
  15. Notrod

    Metal Halide & HPS grow bulbs.

    You got a great deal. I have used a 400 watt MH bulb to grow plants overwinter. The light works just fine. I had it in the basement and it was the only light source there. Even though the HPS is better for flowering, I still got peppers with the MH.
  16. Notrod

    Flourescent light keeps going on and off

    check and see if the ballast looks like tar is leaking out of it. if it does, replace it.
  17. Notrod

    Massive budding

    Excuse me while I change my tighty whities. I would love to see something like that on my plants. Hope they all turn out.
  18. Notrod

    greenhouse My new "greenhouse"

    Good eye for catching that. I only drop the curtain down a couple times a day to increase the humidity. I also have an oscillating fan on them for a bit during the day as well. I try to expose them to a little bit of everything since it's not the warmest of weather yet here. Had frost the...
  19. Notrod

    What is going on with this plant?

    I planted this pepperoncini the same as all my other plants, but it has some sad looking leaves on it. I feed and water the same as all the others, but it just wont produce a normal set of leaves. Any ideas?
  20. Notrod

    greenhouse My new "greenhouse"

    Here is the setup I posted about. I only use it indoors anymore and I think it works well there.