Or bring back some pepper seeds from around the world and give them out to people here. You could make a lot of people happy with some local peppers from wherever you may go.
My one experience with her couldn't have been better. No doubt I'll buy from her again.
There are lots of good seed vendors to be found here, Pepperlover is definitely one of the best you'll find.
In my opinion no cross is really available as seed until the creator stabilizes it enough to sell. Unless you already know exactly how it should look and taste you will have no idea if it's correct or not. You can buy seeds for an unstable cross, but you don't know what will come out of them.
I like the part where it sounds like you only went overboard because you're new to peppers. It won't be long before you have those next 1000+ varieties and you're trying to decide which ones you can live without growing. And looking for a few more varieties that you'd like to try.
This why we need your pepper database site to grow and become the source for reliable information.
There is a lot of conflicting information about them out there. There's no doubt that they are annuums though. One look at the plant or the pod removes any question of it being a chinense. I see...
There are still plenty left if anyone is interested. I didn't count seeds before I started this but apparently my estimation was pretty low. I still have a lot of most varieties and at least some of all of them.
Request away, I'd love to send you some.
Running for the hills sounds like the right idea to me. Grease and septic sludge sound like two things you want to avoid and food sludge sounds vague enough that it's probably also something to avoid.
GET-PINK is their phone number, and maybe trademarked too, but "The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning" is cut and pasted from their site.
I'm not saying you are wrong, I just love a good counter example.
The color PINK is a registered trademark of Owens Corning -- http://www.owenscorning.com/
That quote is from their site, and I believe it's on all of their packaging.
I realize that it's not as ridiculous as it sounds. It only...