Search results

  1. Transient Exuberance

    Is 800 lumens of CFL enough to grow some superhots?

    No. A light that small might be enough to get a couple of seedlings started, but they will need more light very quickly.
  2. Transient Exuberance

    I don't know about chemical issues, but a garbage bag full of dirt sounds like a lot of pressure...

    I don't know about chemical issues, but a garbage bag full of dirt sounds like a lot of pressure for a thin piece of plastic.
  3. Transient Exuberance

    Noob here + sold different "same"

    I can't help you identify them, except to agree that they are certainly different. You don't need to worry about having two of the same type though. One is enough, peppers will self pollinate. For that matter, if you want to be sure that the seed from a pod will grow the same plant you have to...
  4. Transient Exuberance

    pod This is supposed to be a 7 pot Brain Strain Red plant from Baker's. UPDATE: Pod is ripe.

    Your plant looks a lot like the red brain I got from Bakers last year. The pods turned brown and not very hot. Hotter than a jalapeno but nowhere near as hot as a hab. Some cool looking pods, and the plant grew well. Certainly not a 7pod.   Interesting that someone who claims to only grow super...
  5. Transient Exuberance

    wanted Looking for Tobasco and any Hatch variety seeds

    I have some tabasco seeds I can give you if you send me a stamped envelope. A regular envelope will probably get to you safely, a bubble envelope if you want to be sure.   PM me for my address if you're interested.
  6. Transient Exuberance

    I have a few that fell over and stood back up. Out of 5 or 6 that fell, only one didn't make it.

    I have a few that fell over and stood back up. Out of 5 or 6 that fell, only one didn't make it.
  7. Transient Exuberance

    seeds How old can seeds get and still germinate?

    I just put some 23 year old seeds into a ziploc. They've been in an envelope in a drawer in someone's basement since 1991. Certainly not great conditions, but they've been dry anyway. We'll see how it goes.
  8. Transient Exuberance

    Lover of of Natures gifts

    Welcome. You came to the right place.
  9. Transient Exuberance

    food does anyone remove peppers after cooking?

    I came to this thread intending to make that post, except I didn't have the picture to go with it. You beat me and improved it.   I saw the title and that was my first thought.
  10. Transient Exuberance

    seeds Deseeding Process Question (newbie)

    You can sow them right away. You only need to dry them if you are going to store them.
  11. Transient Exuberance

    We got ourselves a hook!

    I put mine into a cup as soon as I see a root starting.
  12. Transient Exuberance

    Brain Strain Pepper Heads 2014 Grow 500 in the ground (6/11)

    That is truly amazing. Your basement will be a mighty jungle before they go out. I'm looking forward to seeing that. Over 2500 plants is impressive, doing it with no plans to profit demands my respect. Giving over half to charity breaks the coolness meter.   I hope that food bank is ready for...
  13. Transient Exuberance

    My first attempt...

    Nice list. To my thinking, way overboard is the only way to go. Eight up in a week sounds like a good start.   I think I hear another one coming up.
  14. Transient Exuberance

    for-sale 9.6mil SHU Pure Evil for sale

    I agree with that completely. The packaging looks great but the collector in me would make it difficult to open.   Pure Evil should be used, not left on a shelf to look at.
  15. Transient Exuberance

    Stiil Open Are you Interested?

    Nice looking plant and pods.   Would you be interested in a trade? I have a few types on your wanted list.
  16. Transient Exuberance

    ***TEMPORARILY CLOSED*** Karl's MONSTER Seed Giveaway 2013, SASBE Offer!!!

    You can call me one more very happy recipient of your generosity Karl. I'm sure you've made a lot of people happy with this offer.
  17. Transient Exuberance

    free Free "Evil" for 7 Newbies! CLOSED!

    I did. It came Wednesday. I tried some and it's everything you say it is, as hot or hotter than an extract and absolutely no taste. Eight drops in a plate of noodles heated them up good without affecting the taste at all. Not that I expected you to be wrong, but some things you have to see for...
  18. Transient Exuberance

    Whoosa Noob? Yousa Noob? Closed

    That's great, thanks again. Had I known about them before I think I would have been trying to find some Cumari Do Para. They sound like they could become one of my favorites.     --edit The seeds got here the day after Thanksgiving. Pepper seeds are an ideal thing to be thankful for. Thank you...
  19. Transient Exuberance

    1-1-1 npk ratio

    I'm no expert but as I understand it the ratio of the three numbers is what matters. 10-10-10 mixed at half strength would be the same as 5-5-5. So the second choice mixed weakly would the better of the two. I don't know if the calcium is too much or not.   I would think you'd want nitrogen to...