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  1. Z

    seeds Seedling tips brown ?

    Thinking to close to T5 HO although no heat coming off light ? jiffy pellets, only the original 2 are like this not the second set or real leaves ? Any thoughts...
  2. Z

    Growth rate after popping

    After work I'll yank this one out and under the light it goes with the others. So far so good with those. One concern I had but doesn't seem to be an issue is the temp change from some to under light seeing the T5 does not emit heat. That first batch all have their first true leaves in about...
  3. Z

    Growth rate after popping

    Curious what others see, is it normal that from the time they pop their heads out that within 8 hrs they're an inch tall. Seems to the norm this year with heat mat and dome for me ?
  4. Z

    Is World War III coming? It looks like it might, and soon..

    No ill intent to anyone here but WW3 has already commenced, it's just not what/how we're expecting. Never underestimate that fastest growing religious group on the planet and their extreme hatred of our day to day life styles and beliefs !! They are spreading like wild fire world wide to boot.
  5. Z

    Sorry another ?

    I was worried about the 2 out of 12 scores that didn't have purple stems. Then realized they were also the only 2 that didn't shed the seed husk? Managed to pry a husk off 1 just now but the other is stubborn. Curious if the one that came off will turn purple now. I'm within an inch of light but...
  6. Z

    seeds Seeds in Toronto and growing instructions

    The current supply at most grocery chains I've checked are all selling Jamacian Scotch Bonnets grown in the Dominican ? The SB's I bought at a nursery last season for fun turned out completely orange and smooth yet not even close to a Hab. The Red Carribeans all died and they were my only...
  7. Z

    seeds Seeds in Toronto and growing instructions

    I have Lots of seeds from last year and before that. Unfortunately no bonnets though. You'll be pushing the outer limits starting now as others mention and it just so happens that the seeds you mention are about the only decent hots you'll find at a nursery around here and even then they may not...
  8. Z

    Grow room heating

    Don't want to go off topic but there's mention of using the T5's for starting seeds ? My heat mat and dome are no where near any light other than ambient light from windows with closed curtains and the light blasting out from the one T5 in another bedroom?
  9. Z

    Grow room heating

    I'm only running 1 T5 HO 24" so far haven't needed to daisy chain the second one yet as I'm waiting for more seeds to pop. The first batch are with in 1-2" from the light and loving it so far. As for heat I actually wish they did give some off as there is none. I've always been told the closer...
  10. Z

    seeds Butch T Germination...

    I asked at my local hydro store as he's a chili head too. Claims if done with some TLC, peppers can be divided just as easy as any other plant in soil.
  11. Z

    seeds Germination Patterns

    Just got home a 1 BTScorp from the Feb 26th planting has poked its head up witch is 8 days. Can't wait to see what happens in the next 24hrs !
  12. Z

    Condensate in Dome

    Thanks Musky, the first batch I took out at about 3/4" and put them under my new T5. Just thought that perhaps if it takes longer for the next batch of 32 pellets that it may be a concern. The top has 2 adjustable vents which I'm keeping close to contain the heat ? Thanks Musky, the first batch...
  13. Z

    Condensate in Dome

    My dome lid fills with condensate to the point of not being able to seein. If not occasionally dried or the lid removed (dropping temperature) will this not create mould eventually ?
  14. Z

    seeds Germination Patterns

    Interesting, 9 days for my own 3yr old seeds, and TBD on others I bought from The HSC, and Serrano's from store bought pods last year. Plus another 8 assorted, Bhut, 7pod, orange Hav, and a scorp/7pod mix. So 9 days can be average but 30 can also be the norm.
  15. Z

    seeds Germination Patterns

    On Feb 19 I put 2 Scorpian seeds into 6 jiffy pellets each in a covered dome on heat mat at apprx 85 degrees. On Feb 28 all popped up so 9 days. On Feb 26 I put 3 jiffy pellets with Bt Scorpian seeds 2 each and 3 pellets with Fatali 2 per pellet as well. Same dome, same heat mat same...
  16. Z

    seeds Seed survival?

    I used a heat mat and dome for the first time this year. Tossed 2 x 3 year old scorp seeds into 6 jiffy pellets and all popped in 8 days with the heat on 7/24. They don't use much power.
  17. Z

    seeds Going from Germinator to T5's

    Doesn't seem these t5 emit any heat ? Keep them on for 24h at first ?
  18. Z

    seeds Going from Germinator to T5's

    Its my first attempt with T5's. I have 2 x 24" 6400K , 2232 Lumen. The 6 kids are in jiffy pellets about 1/2" to 1" in height. How close do I go with the lights ?
  19. Z

    Smart Pots (felt) vs Aero Pots

    So dollar for dollar better than the aero pots ? Still don't understand how they are similar in keeping the roots from doing 360's as with the Aero's. Do the roots squeeze through the felt?
  20. Z

    Smart Pots (felt) vs Aero Pots

    Any thought on these especially the felt ones ? They are much cheaper and allegedly work in the same manor where in the roots don't do 360's and are self pruning ?