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  1. Z

    Please tell me about fans

    If the room is cool'ish and the T5's don't emit heat will it be to cool for the established crop or still enhance the program ? By cool I mean apprx 20c so double that and add 30 degrees to get F ?
  2. Z

    Having germanating 'issues'

    To wet as mentioned, went digging into my leftovers that won't pop yesterday with a toothpick and a few had no sign of seeds at all and a few had seeds that appeared they were dying to pop but simply won't. Take the dome off daily and toss the water/humidity it builds up and think that heat mat...
  3. Z

    nutrients Add Nutrients When ?

    From hippy pucks under lights, repot into Solo's in the jiffy puck peat with Pro Mix HP and all seems well with the first batch getting their 3rd-4th set of leaves all about 3 or so inches tall. When does one need to add some vitamins seeing the the soil has non. They'll be inside till apprx mid...
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    nutrients Xnutrients

    Ever tried or worked with the DNF line of product. My local hydro people swear by it. I have some samples for once the kids grow a bit.
  5. Z

    Bonds Ma Jaque

    Update, had a bevy to steady the hands, took the nail clippers to the zipper side and a bit of the top. Was very concerned that I caught a coly but low and behold took my finger nail about and hour ago seeing it started to expand a bit after the clip and off came the toque! Very happy hope the...
  6. Z

    Bonds Ma Jaque

    Tried and failed with the Fatali. Need to get at least one new variety out of this purchase of 6 seed types.
  7. Z

    Bonds Ma Jaque

    Nail clippers and moisture and no shakes may be a plan....
  8. Z

    Bonds Ma Jaque

    I wrecked my single Fatali that popped out of 10 doing that and was very gentle. Used tweezers but the little guy seemed to fight the surgery and kept twisting. Really hope the water softening works before its a 3 inch stick lol.
  9. Z

    Bonds Ma Jaque

    Out of 10 seeds I had only 1 that popped and is an inch tall. Problem is it won't shed it's husk !! I've been applying droplets of water via turkey bastter to soften the bugger up but it won't shed. I really want this soul popper to survive, will it eventually shed or succumb to the husk ?
  10. Z

    Horse manure and hot peppers, Yeah or Neigh ?

    Spot on ! If it emits steam, have an eye and wait.
  11. Z

    Isolating Plants

    Very cool thanks will investigate.
  12. Z

    pests Tired of bugs...

    Considering Lady bugs as well later this season. Can they be utilized outdoors too, how long will / do they hang around before they move on ?
  13. Z

    No frills beginners luck growing?

    I would think that growing Orchids is an art and requires alot of knowledge? As for peppers pending on where you live, birds that eat them and deficate the seeds and said seeds grow, there's your answer. To specialize in a variety or taking it to the next level as in the hottest etc (who cares)...
  14. Z

    Horse manure and hot peppers, Yeah or Neigh ?

    As mentioned and been taught by my grandma in Germany, anything from a animal stall is great BUT should sit for a year. In another month or so the wonderful government here that charges my caboose to pick up the blue, grey and green bins of garbage, green being "wet waste" as in food scraps and...
  15. Z


    That's the idea of the dome, keep things moist. I'm one week 3 waiting for some to pop and keeping my fingers crossed albeit other seeds from same source have popped???
  16. Z

    Isolating Plants

    So timing is everything ? If I pick a section of flower concentration bag and shake, how would I know that pollination has not already occurred ?
  17. Z

    Isolating Plants

    From the seeds I paid for this season I'd like to ensure they do not mix/cross with my others but only have a regular sized yard. I'd like to grow them pure and hopefully gets seeds for next year. I'm always hearing that peppers self pollinate so can I simply put some distance between or do they...
  18. Z

    Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

    Agree with Potawie re weather, I am pretty sure we "may" be in for a finally beating yet ! As for all you CDN enthusiasts and others too, listen carefully with your undived attention to whatever Potawie suggests. I've been quietly monitoring various posts and hands down our Potawie Land amigo...
  19. Z

    Canadian Hot Pepper Growers

    Are going into the ground/garden or above ground pots ?