
Hello guys! I'm growing 6 different types of superhots, and one just hot pepper. I'm wondering whats the average germination time, and why my jiffy pellets are still moist.

I have a greenhouse effect going on with the plastic lid container thing, with consistant 83-87 degree temperature. Im using a hydrofarm heat pad, with a hydrofarm thermostat. It's been four days, and my jiffy pellets are still moist. The humidity is still relatively high, at 67-77%. I've been hearing the jiffy pellets dry out pretty fast.

Any ideas?..
Well, with the dome on,, it wont dry out!
Thats a good thing! And most supers may take a week or 2 to germinate for ya.
Have patience!

Dig the name!! Welcome from Atlanta!

By Superhots I guess you mean a Chinense family, right ? Sometimes even 3 weeks to germinate, depending on the seed source, hardness, amount of inhibitors on it that prevent germinating with a first drop of water that seed gets into ( nature's prevention of unwanted germination).

Patience and stable temperatures are the key. Ventilate the box at least once a day to prevent diseases.
That's the idea of the dome, keep things moist. I'm one week 3 waiting for some to pop and keeping my fingers crossed albeit other seeds from same source have popped???