I assumed it was hardened off well but I do not know for sure because I bought it from a nursery. It hasn't been this droopy though the last few days. I thought maybe overwatering because of all the rain but the leaves aren't really yellow. I'm going to try to move it to less sun and see what...
Well I was thinking I may not need a heating mat this time of the season with temps in the 90s. But it may come in handy when I want to start early next year.
Ooops I mean to actually put this in "grow tech" because I assumed that is where it belonged. I wasn't paying attention which forum I was in. If it needs moved I apologize.
I'm trying to keep my costs down and ran across this. What do you think about this for germinating seeds? I've only grown from plants so far but I've got some seeds coming. I've read about other methods but this way seems to be a little more "idiot" proof than others. And I need that lol...
I wouldn't have thought it was water as it has rained and rained and rained here for days. Yesterday and today are the first days we haven't had any rain. But I'll give it a drink. Thanks.
Here is my Anaheim pepper plant. The leaves seem to be drooping a lot. Is this normal or is there something I should be looking for. There is nothing under the leaves that I can see. Any advice is appreciated.
I've never searched for the correct way to do it, so I'll just ask you. What is the best way to get rid of the yellowing leaves? Just cut them off or what? What is easiest on the plant.
Lol yep he looks all wrinkled up like he's mad at the world already and wants to unleash his fiery wrath. Of course I could be wrong and he may just be a pepperoncini with stretch marks or something lol....time will tell.