Search results

  1. CCW13

    Where did you get your pots from?

    I'm growing my peppers in containers and I'm running out of containers. Where did you all find all of yours? These plastic containers aren't exactly cheap from nurseries so I'm looking for other alternatives. The one nursery actually has a recycling bin that says you can take what you need...
  2. CCW13

    wanted Looking for a possible donation of a plant.

    I would love to have a 7 pot or scorpion plant or both. I'm willing to pay if anyone has any to spare.
  3. CCW13

    Got some new pepper plants today...more variety now

    I actually drove a little ways to get to this one. The few around me all have your basic peppers only.
  4. CCW13

    Got some new pepper plants today...more variety now

    Today I stopped by a nursery and picked up some more pepper plants to widen my variety. I got: Chocolate Habs Bulgarian Carrot Fatalii Chiltepin Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Anaheim I also got two nice tomato plants, Delicious and Opalka. These will be nice additions to my others.
  5. CCW13

    movies Horror movie fans unite!

    Oh cool a horror movie thread!! My favorite genre of movie by far!!! I'm gonna name some less known ones in case someone is looking for new material to watch. There is no way I could pick a top 10 or anything like that lol.... Strangeland - Written by Dee Snider from Twisted Sister. He also...
  6. CCW13

    Boondock Saints

    One of the most underrated movies of all time! The second one didn't have the same luster as the first but it was enjoyable.
  7. CCW13

    San Marzano tomatoes?

    Very nice...thank you very much
  8. CCW13

    San Marzano tomatoes?

    One more quick question. Are there any online resources that tells what grows well in what region? Or would I have to go talk to a local nursery for that?
  9. CCW13

    San Marzano tomatoes?

    Oh great info to know. I never thought or knew about any of that. Just another reason why this site is so helpful!
  10. CCW13


    Simple enough.
  11. CCW13

    What to do with too much rain?

    Good idea. I may just add some additional drainage.
  12. CCW13

    San Marzano tomatoes?

    I want to grow some of these to make some sauces. Are these widely considered to be the best for sauce making? Also should I try to find plants or start from seeds? I'm thinking it's too late in the year to start from seeds now.
  13. CCW13


    I would love to start sharing seeds with people. But this is my first year so I'll have to wait a while lol
  14. CCW13


    Where do you keep the shoeboxes?
  15. CCW13

    What to do with too much rain?

    We've been getting a lot of rain here lately. I'm sure my peppers are getting too much water. Should I let this even out naturally (meaning I know there will be periods where it doesn't rain for a long time) or should I consider pulling all the pots inside for a while? So far they don't show...
  16. CCW13


    If you get seeds now is there a certain way to store them so they will be ok come next year?
  17. CCW13

    fertilizer new member general question re: fertilizer

    Oh I can just mix them both in a bottle and spray them on good? Easy enough lol....thanks again for the help!
  18. CCW13

    fertilizer new member general question re: fertilizer

    Ok I got a bottle of the fish emulsion today. How do you all that use it apply it? Also how much do you use? My plants are all about 8-12 inches tall. Also I'm going to spray with Epsom salt also. Can I do both at the same time or should I wait on one or the other?
  19. CCW13

    38th Marriage Anniversary today

    I'm new to the board but congrats!!
  20. CCW13

    fertilizer new member general question re: fertilizer

    Excellent. Thanks again.