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  1. jacqui276

    chinense The best tasting non-hot C.chinense ever - The Aji jobito

      I second this. I would love to get ahold of a few of these seeds.
  2. jacqui276

    A couple IDs please.

    I didn't think that they deceived me on purpose (which is also why I'm not mentioning names on this thread) and know that it happens. I was just hoping to have an idea as to what these actually are.
  3. jacqui276

    A couple IDs please.

    The "fish" pepper plant is from a very reputable vendor that also sells pepper plants. I didn't contact them since I did have another plant grow true from the seeds so figured that maybe a random seed just got in the mix. They might be able to help identify though. The "scorpion" pepper is...
  4. jacqui276

    A couple IDs please.

    Good memory for the photo at least!
  5. jacqui276

    A couple IDs please.

    The pepper on it is a recent pic. I used the old picture with it to show the leaves since I already had it uploaded. I can delete the second picture of the second plant if you would prefer since it is a duplicate and someone can try to help me ID based on just the first. Also, in that previous...
  6. jacqui276

    A couple IDs please.

    These two plants are from seeds that I ordered from reputable vendors on here (2 different ones). The first was supposed to be a yellow trinidad moruga scorpion, which it obviously is not. I have 3 of these plants growing and they all are producing the same peppers but this is the first one to...
  7. jacqui276

    chinense peach bhut SS leaf weridness

    I'm curious as well as some of my leaves also look like this.
  8. jacqui276

    2015 Plant out date

    I'm aiming for the end of May. It's been pretty nice out so I was hopeful to get them out sooner this year but our nighttime temps have been way way too cold still.
  9. jacqui276

    flavor Anyone growing or tasted these varieties?

    I am currently growing rouge noir. It hasn't produced any pods yet but I'm excited to watch its progress!
  10. jacqui276


    I am jealous of all of the awesome fruit trees that you have! All I have growing is a kerr apple tree. I live in the snowy north so not much grows here on trees that is edible.
  11. jacqui276

    Whats the deal with Strawberry's?

    I've never had to do anything too exciting to get strawberries to grow. I put them in a pot with some potting mix, water every couple days, and watch them grow. The trick is keeping my toddler away from the plants so that the rest of us get to enjoy them too.
  12. jacqui276

    Fish Pepper Leaves

    The plant that I posted now has a pod growing on it and it is looking more cayenne-ish. My other fish pepper plant (from the same pack of seeds) is showing variegation now though!   Edited to add photos:   This is the pod growing on one of them:   This is new growth on the other plant (which is...
  13. jacqui276

    Serrano & Pequin flowering up.

    Can you share a pic of the white specks? Could be some sort of pest.
  14. jacqui276

    Oops, I Think I Did It This Time

    Looking good! I've been having to keep topping mine so that they still fit under my lights and they keep coming back bushier. I'm hoping we have an early season this year!
  15. jacqui276

    Early days but any ideas?

    Do you remember what all you were growing last year to narrow it down a bit?
  16. jacqui276

    Holy crap it's hot here today!

    It was 19C here today! (66F) which is fantastic for mid-March in Canada. I'm hoping that we continue with this nice weather so that my plants can head outside sooner than usual this year. I even put a few plants out for a couple hours this afternoon to get some real sunshine.
  17. jacqui276

    Sriracha Lip Balm: You have got to be kidding me.

    Just wanted to point out that you can turn down the pain meds when in the hospital. Generally if they are ordered, it is for a reason and if you don't feel as though you need them, you can say no thank you. I have never had a patient upset with me for helping take away their pain but I also...
  18. jacqui276


  19. jacqui276

    From Italy

    Welcome from Canada!