I have found them pretty cheap at AM Leonard. You have to buy them in the bundles but they factor out to about $0.32 a pot starting for the 1 gal all the way up to 5.95 for a 25 gal. Price also drops a little if you buy 3+ bundles.
Go with the mango jelly. I had gotten some from Jedisushi last year that he made with yellow BS. It was great. I have also made strawberry with choc habs and peach with yellow scorps myself. Strawberry is the favorite around here. I can't keep it on the shelf!
I just checked the garden after work today and saw that my perfume plant had some weird brown circles on the leaves. I don't think its from water dropplets on the leaves since its the only plant that has it and I haven't watered with the recent rain. Anyone know what it might be? Is it caused by...
Link for the listing of sizes and prices
I have cascade. They are mostly a finishing hop and are very citrusy. It might be about a month before I can take rhizome cuttings depending on how the weather goes. I would be willing to trade for seeds. PM if interested.
I would have to agree with joyners that its probably the soil. I'm still kinda new to this but I used tap(hose) all the time and noticed a difference after changing the soil. Last year was the second year that I grew in buckets and I noticed that a lighter, well draining soil worked much better...