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  1. Nightcrawler

    Helvete's 2016 Organic Alaskan Grow

    Rock on! Wish I could pick up and move up there, always been a dream of mine. Looking forward to following your grow
  2. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Oh I'm sure they'll pop, but I'm not leaving it to chance! I've got more seeds so I'll see if I can get them going along side. Never hurts to have more than you planned!
  3. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    I put them on the heat mat on the 11th and they aren't turning translucent or popping at all yet. I'm going to leave these ones on the heat and put some more in peat pellets I think
  4. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Leap year means one extra day of germination. all of the scorpions and the rest of the regular bhuts hooked this morning, that gives me a 100% germ rate on those varieties that have popped, which is pretty rare for me. Still waiting on the majority but the seeds are looking good, I don't have...
  5. Nightcrawler

    This is my glog. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

    Those jigsaw crosses are cool looking plants! Awesome stuff!
  6. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    I was starting to get discouraged because nothing new has popped the past few days, it's been worrying. But my Bhuts that I set to germ on the 8th just hooked this morning, so I'm hoping it's just a matter of time for the others as well seeing as the bhuts were the first ones I put on the heat...
  7. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Those MOA Scotch Bonnet seeds are completely badass. Here's a shot of the red twins from this morning, already big difference from yesterday.
  8. Nightcrawler


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  9. Nightcrawler

    overwintering Over winter fail ...

    Bummer, that's a purty plant.
  10. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Guess who was the first to actually say hi out of soil? I'll give you a hint it wasn't one that popped yesterday. It was a surprise this morning. EDIT: since no one wanted to play a guessing game. It was the SB MOA to sprout first. Last seed I put in, first to show life, those are some bitchin...
  11. Nightcrawler

    New Tiller advice

    In my experience renting a decent tiller (read: not mantis style) is only cost effective for those who can't store one, or those who only need to till a small plot for an afternoon once or twice every few years. I looked into it local to me last year, and it gets pricey fast. If you're using it...
  12. Nightcrawler

    Braided plants

    Looks great!
  13. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Checked the seeds today while home on break. Got a few hooks! No chinense yet, but several look like it could be any day now. Hot Beads capsicum annuum __________________________________________ white peach capsicum baccatum __________________________________________ aji calabaza...
  14. Nightcrawler

    The BUM is back for 2016

    Very impressive list! Nice to see what can be done up here in the great white not quite Canada. We might even get an early start to the season!
  15. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    So much thanks to mpicante for the MOA SB seeds! I was only expecting the standards but was pleasantly surprised to see reds too! Thank you so much. The post sorter wasn't gentle on these puppies but there's definitely enough viable seed, I've got them on the heat mat already!
  16. Nightcrawler

    The Purple Bhut

    Very cool! I love bhuts, never had the purple though. Beautiful plant!
  17. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    I love the lighter colored super hots! Does it show? Haha got a few chocolates too though! My brother in law being competitive came over today with a jiffy planter in hopes that I'd help him get started so he can "out grow" me. They're on my spare heat mat for now until he can clear the room in...
  18. Nightcrawler

    How long before you throw in the towel?

    I'm from Maine, you still have time to start some seed. I've direct sown pepper seed in my garden come spring and it produced peppers that year. However you'll likely only get one crop out of the plant, but you could bring it inside for the winter and give it a jump start on next year. I...
  19. Nightcrawler

    overwintering Winter and bugs

    Agreed, I'm from up in the county originally, where the weather is typically different than down here, but this is the strangest winter I recall. I was speaking with a biologist from Baxter park the other day and he said they fully expect a bad tick and flea outbreak in the moose population...
  20. Nightcrawler

    Nightcrawlers 2016

    Thank you so much for the offer, mpicante already offered up some seed! Pepper people are fantastic!