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  1. robisc

    World's Hottest habanero? What is this?

    haha and then it shall be known as the: unknown yellow chinense-Lowes
  2. robisc

    World's Hottest habanero? What is this?

    Agreed that there may not ever be confirmation and yes it is clearly a chinense but what do I call it when it's clearly not a habanero, and thus what this subforum of ID'ing peppers is for right?
  3. robisc

    pod Supposed to be Habanero?

    So you are in Georgia and I'm in Alabama and have what looks like the same pepper from Lowes, I bet they came from the same farm. Check out my thread right below this one for more on this saga.
  4. robisc

    World's Hottest habanero? What is this?

    Potawie I understand there's no way to be sure I was just looking for suggestions on what you guys thought it may be and the suggestions here give me some ideas though in the end it really doesn't matter, it is a nice plant putting out a lot of very hot peppers and that's what I was looking for...
  5. robisc

    World's Hottest habanero? What is this?

    It is obvious that this is a yellow capsicum chinense but trying to find the variety is what I was after here though that may be impossible, and yes believe it or not this plant came from Lowes and I as I mentioned there were certain plants labeled simply habanero then next to them were some...
  6. robisc

    World's Hottest habanero? What is this?

    Thanks and I will get more pics of plant and pods but the consensus is though that this is NOT just a run of the mill habanero though right?
  7. robisc

    World's Hottest habanero? What is this?

    Seen a couple other posts similar to mine here lately but one plant I have is a Bonnie plant from Lowes and was labeled "world's Hottest" habanero, I didn't take a picture of the plant but will do so but here is an almost ripe pod I pulled, what is this, I don't think it is a habanero?
  8. robisc

    grills 7 in 1 grill/smokers

    This is too cool, a baby WSM, I need to do this one day
  9. robisc

    Robisc 2012 Bama peppers

    Some bad news for my baby plants, my first time growing from seeds has ended badly, my Naga Morich, Bhut Jolokia and Trinidad Scorpions I started as seed didn't make it, there was about a 50% germination rate and they made it to about 2 inches tall with tiny leaves and have now shriveled up and...
  10. robisc

    $2.49 worth of plants and now what to do?

    nitwit, I know the heat level won't be a problem with what I have growing now I just wanted to grow a couple Trinidads from seed.
  11. robisc

    $2.49 worth of plants and now what to do?

    Just an update, all of these plants have recovered really well, both the ones I put in the garden and the ones in pots, I'm really surprised they bouned back as quickly as they did considering how bad they all looked when I got them, I'll get some pictures today and post them here later...
  12. robisc

    Can you ID without a picture?

    That is a given, just didn't know how common something like this would be, I'll get a picture but after looking at pepper Joe's site, I think they may be cherry hot peppers
  13. robisc

    Can you ID without a picture?

    My cousin has some plants growing and don't know what they are, also I don't have a picture but the pods are round or rather a somewhat "squashed' round pod (think a round ball of play dough mashed down a bit) and grow and point upward on the plant and don't hang down, they turn red, any ideas?
  14. robisc

    Robisc 2012 Bama peppers

    when do my seedlings that are about 1" tall need to come out from under the plastic cover, I'm assuming now?
  15. robisc

    $2.49 worth of plants and now what to do?

    Well I repotted some of them in Miracle gro and gave them a little dose of Miracle Gro tomato food, we'll see what happens, the others are going straight into the ground. As for the organic soil, thanks for the recommendations but not sure if I can find that around here. One thing that surprised...
  16. robisc

    $2.49 worth of plants and now what to do?

    A new grower to the superhots this year if anyone has looked at my glog, but ran across these today and figured for just $2.49 after she rang me up and after telling the clerk they were half dead what have I got to loose? I know it's getting late in the season here in Alabama but what would you...
  17. robisc

    pests Help, One of the meanest pest I have ever fought

    crawdads in your garden? I guess I'm missing something, here in Alabama those are crawfish and grow only in creeks.
  18. robisc

    While in Alabama…

    I too would like to know where this place in Bama has plants for sale please.
  19. robisc

    Robisc 2012 Bama peppers

    Thanks guys, I've gotta long way to go and coheed I just checked out your glog, that's some beautiuful plants!
  20. robisc

    Coheed196's Grow Log (Minor storm damage edition)

    Those are some nice plants for sure, I'm sure they're liking the rain we've gotten the last couple days too and since you're so close to me I know where to get seeds from next year ;)