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  1. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    Reaper, White Peruvian Habanero, Lemon Drop, Yellow Habanero       Reaper. Bitten by a cat or two. Still looking good.           White Peruvian Habanero       First tiny pods forming!          
  2. Tango

    Twiasp Glog

    Good luck! What varieties are you growing?
  3. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    Extended grow list!:   growing:   aji lemon drop carolina reaper white peruvian habanero yellow habanero cyklon (maybe) cayenne (unlikely) scotch bonnet (perhaps) thai pepper (of some kind)   germinating:   chocolate bhutla jays peach ghost scorpion moa scotch bonnet (yellow) bahamian goat...
  4. Tango

    Crazy Number of White Specs

    I grow under a red spectrum CFL and have that on a few of my plants. It happens more where the leaves are too crowded. A fan helps a lot.
  5. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    I use COMPO BIO fruit and vegetable fertilizer . The soil mix is a COMPO SANA light balcony soil, and has some ferts in it too. 
  6. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

  7. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    This is the bottom of my reaper plant. I think I should remove all that growth and just leave the big branches on top.    
  8. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    All my plants in one family photo :) From left to right. Top row:  thai, reaper, white peruvian hab, scotch bonnet (perhaps) Bottom row: cayenne (unlikely), yellow hab, cyklon (maybe), lemon drop.       Inspired by Khang Starr's frankenpepper, I started grafting branches onto my paprika/cyklon...
  9. Tango

    Pod Shape vs. Flavor for growers?

    I care about the visual side a LOT! Taste is also important, but I have just started growing and tasting different varieties. With my very limited space I wouldn't grow a pepper that I don't find beautiful. There are varieties that got on my wanted list mainly because of the looks. Chocolate...
  10. Tango

    food Kimchi

    I love kimchi! Every fall and winter is kimchi season for me. I eat it with everything and make a new batch when the previous one is gone. Kimchi on apple pie? Yes, please! Icecream with kimchi? Why not! I cut the nappa cabbage lengthwise and salt it like this. After rincing I cut it to bite...
  11. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    "Thais" are growing nicely. Around 35 pods on this plant, so I'm happy :)       This is Lemon Drop with a small graft that might not make it, I'm afraid. Carolina Reaper on the right is getting bigger and starting to bloom.         "Cyklon" got a haircut after the first harvest and is now...
  12. Tango

    wanted Looking for pepper seads. Sharing pepper and basil seads.

    It's my first season growing peppers.  I have a small indoor setup and currently 8 plants you can see on my glog.  After a lot of reading about different varieties I came up with a long list of peppers that I would love to taste and grow, and appreciate their beauty. I really have space for just...
  13. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    First harvest! Mmmm...The green one tasted nice too.       Cayenne in a cup is flowering. I'd be happy to get a few pods. If this works I'm totally growing a few more like this.           :)  
  14. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    ​The plants are doing well. Time for an update :)     Here's my "Paprika". I think it might be Cyklon, or one of the other Polish varieties. One of the pods is completely red, so I guess I'll harvest it today or tomorrow and taste my first homegrown pepper.       The Thai pepper, which might...
  15. Tango

    Tango's 2016 first season

    Hello Forum!   This is my first season growing peppers. I have 8 plants under 200W CFL. I plan to keep them small and maybe move some of them to the windowsil when there's more sun. I top the plants and do some training. Aesthetics matter. Here's what I got: 1. "Paprika". Seeds from a noname...