Crazy Number of White Specs

Hi everyone, first time poster but I've been growing for maybe a couple of years now.  I was wondering if you could help me identify what's going on with my jalapeno plant(s).  They've been kept indoors since they started from seed in early March, but seemingly over the course of a day or two, they have collected a TON of tiny tiny little white dots.  It doesn't seem to look like anything I've seen on any of the pest guides, and I've stared at them for 10 minutes and nothing seems to be moving.  Obviously I'd like to figure this out asap in case it is some kind of pest, thanks!
Do you have good air flow in the area? Cold be fungal if the air is still and too damp....beginning of powdery mildew?
It's in a grow tent that was way too humid for a little while (literally moisture collecting and running down the walls) but I've since opened about 4 ways for air to move in and out and I have two fans circulating the air and it fixed that problem (did this about 2 weeks ago).  Humidity seems to stay around 70-78%.
I actually just spoke with someone on Reddit and it absolutely looks like edema.  The humidity is way too high and I tent to water at night time and only a few specific plants are affected by it.  I think I'll remove the severely affected leaves and handle the humidity situation better.
Interestingly enough < this paper mentions that excess amounts of red LED light tends to cause this to happen, and every one of the plants affected is under my grow light with the bloom lights on (it's like 50 additional red LEDs) so I turned off the additional red LEDs and shall see what happens.  Also opened even more slots for air to circulate to try to drop humidity down to 65% instead of 80.
I grow under a red spectrum CFL and have that on a few of my plants. It happens more where the leaves are too crowded. A fan helps a lot.