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  1. bubbaschili

    2 bdays!

    for some reason those info comercials with the british guy that says bobs your uncle comes into my head. happy birthday dudes.
  2. bubbaschili

    food I will be trying to make real beans!!I need help??

    gebhardt i belive is a store brand (probaly get it on the internet somewhere but the other you would get from pendry's or mild bill's spices ive dealt with both mild bill's is more personable and pendrys to me is more business. i have cooked with mild bill super nice guy. makes a mean margarita...
  3. bubbaschili

    Hot girls eating habs

    gota love when the one in the white waves her arms up and down real fast it make her jiggle.(i appologize to the board i will now lock pervert bubba in a closet and not let him out for a while)
  4. bubbaschili

    food I will be trying to make real beans!!I need help??

    oh ps.... could you post the recipe and ill see if you need to add or take away something or see if your on track. (gee i hope he dosen't see this as a ploy to get the recipe) (im i thinking this in my mind or typing it on the computer??) oh crap!! stop typing stop typing
  5. bubbaschili

    food I will be trying to make real beans!!I need help??

    i grew up with beans in my chili...when i started to cook in cook offs and for the international championship i learned alot about chili. the Texas style or CASI version of chili as it pertains to judging if there are any beans or fillers in it...the chili is disqualified. we got a really good...
  6. bubbaschili

    Who here watches nascar and who is your driver

    i kinda stopped watching after davey allison died....loved the havoline color scheme
  7. bubbaschili

    Intensity Academy The Hot Pepper Special

    whats the biggest size shirt you have?
  8. bubbaschili

    event Needin Bubba again

    hillbilly!!!! i was given some advise and i have no idea if i gave it to ya last year or why not repeat myself....1st of all stick a horse shoe up your tail....nah just me chili is 50 percent good recipe and 50 percent luck. 1 thing i would look at as it pertains to your...
  9. bubbaschili

    MORE Chili Man!?!

  10. bubbaschili

    MORE Chili Man!?!

  11. bubbaschili

    Chili Man gets some unexpected love

    ps good press is always good...i would hate to be the ones that the press is trying to hang from the nearest tree
  12. bubbaschili

    Chili Man gets some unexpected love

    be sure to tell them about the ppp....shamless plug for the
  13. bubbaschili

    EMERGENCY! Debt Consulidation Advice Needed!

    only magic cure it to match all 5 nubers and the powerball
  14. bubbaschili

    EMERGENCY! Debt Consulidation Advice Needed!

    this may be long but a long time ago i was in bad bad shape. finaly i pulled my head out of my tail got another part time job.(kinda like what chuck said so i had more comming in than going out) i found a credit card i want to say it was citi?? anywho i got a offer in the mail that said...
  15. bubbaschili


    i never take anything on any board serious...i know my knife question was kinda stupid but mabey i should have explained a little better...when i do cut meat for chili i freeze it so when i cut the cube its like a perfect square..when it is not frozen the meat kinda gives and the squares come...
  16. bubbaschili


    what would yall suggest for a good cutting knife for frozen meat?? (pretty much what i do is freeze my meat,,,,get your mind out of the gutter...the meat for my chili....geez you guys and gals... and i cut it into little cubes. what kind of chef knife or ?? would yall suggest...i was even...
  17. bubbaschili


    i got a spyderco with a spider cut out in the blade....its pretty cool
  18. bubbaschili

    Favorite Simpson’s sayings

    there was a episode where santa's little helper was given i think by the repo barn to a blind guy.....bart gose to steal the dog back...blind guy locks him in a closet....long story short there was a funny line when the police dog sniffs out marijuana on the blind guy. chief wiggam is like your...
  19. bubbaschili


    if you can remember they were snug to begin with so now they are just kinda loosey goosey
  20. bubbaschili


    thanks dude......i got along way to go