Sometimes I wish, to log into a forum everyone had to drive to huge open wear house, where you go in pick a computer and log in. Someone starts talkin crap, you scoot your chair out, walk over, and punch them in the face.
Nice review BTW
Does eating jalapeƱos in your Cheerios as kid count?
I love the hot, I laugh in the face of a jalapeƱo, high five a bhut, but will jump out of a moving vehicle to avoid a butch T.
Props to everyone involved, that was fun. Thanx to Joyners for the powders, the contestants for their bravery, and LDHS for the constellation prize.
Next we should do a speed round and see who can snort the most!
THE BIZ explained that he took a red brain strain and put it in a sealed jar with some course sea salt and let it sit for a month. He said you could probably wait longer but then he pulsed it inn a blender. I thought it came out nice.
Right on D, that hot sauce looks nice. Think I'm gonna have to try to make mine with peach next time. Haven't tried that one yet, and I concur, this hot sauce making thing is fun.