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  1. P

    Anyone else grow their own garlic?

    Right, enough space for the roots and good drainage. My container of choice is standard ikea wastebins--12" deep, 12" wide, about 5 gallons in volume. They probably get about 10 and a half inches to spread their feet due to the cushion of pozzolan I have at the bottom. Thanks again for all the...
  2. P

    My oyster mushroom cultivation.

      That sounds very poetic. :) And nice setup. I'd like to grow my own mushrooms too. Mushrooms cost too much here!
  3. P

    Greenhouse or Outdoor?

      [my emphasis in the quote] At all costs! Keep the bloody plague at bay! On the other hand, fertilizing manually can be a pain in the a..uhh, I mean arm. And if something nasty does manage to get inside...
  4. P

    Anyone else grow their own garlic?

    Okay, would have loved to blame it on the weather but guess that's out of the question. If things work for you it should work for me too! Guess I'll try again this year and follow your suggestion depending on how it goes. Ummm, for more information. I've been planting a purple hardneck variety...
  5. P

    Anyone else grow their own garlic?

    Thanks for the reply turbo!   I've been planting the garlic in November. The problem is I get mild and cloudy winters (never went below 30 this last winter!), and then equally dreary and cold springs. The garlic keeps growing above ground throughout the whole winter season.   Now the thing is...
  6. P

    greenhouse Hoop-house Greenhouse

      Sweet stuff. What does your indoor growing room look like? Just out of curiousity.
  7. P

    Morning check before heading to work, found this

      Thank you guys.     Maybe it could also be done by spraying GA3? that's how they do it to make seedless grapes and watermelons I think.
  8. P

    My Habanero Experiment

    Hard to overcome a bad start--the little one might bounce back over the summer with all that encouragement you just gave it, but not enough time to outproduce the biggie that already has a head start. So I would say the larger one. It has nature on its side as well ;)
  9. P

    Anyone else grow their own garlic?

    Garlic-growing guys and gals, mind if I ask a question about vernalization?   I haven't had much luck growing garlic--in the sense that the plants grow perfectly fine, but I always end up (for the last two years I've been trying) with one round clove of garlic that looks like suspiciously like...
  10. P

    Morning check before heading to work, found this

    Or they weren't pollinated and the plant dropped them, either way, relax.
  11. P

    sun Is too much direct sun possible?

      Oh, Okay. Well I guess it's pretty warm in your neighbourhood to start off with.
  12. P

    The Stupid Wind or How do you Support your Pepper Plants

      So the storm winds aren't strong enough to sweep your cars away? ;)
  13. P

    sun Is too much direct sun possible?

    Streamer, you know how often they update this chart? Wondering whether the boundaries for some climes are moving given the changing weather patterns and rising temperatures.  
  14. P

    Thrips battle pt2 - predatory mite experiment! :)

    Glad that worked! Now it would have been even more interesting if you managed to get a pic of a mite gorging on a thrips while the feast still lasted...
  15. P

    Long time reader, decided to give it a shot

    A good growing to you, afr0n0me!
  16. P

    Ladies and Gents, I present to you - the Thrip-inator!

    Great. Let me know if it works so I can modify my "aspirateur" based on your results!
  17. P

    Ladies and Gents, I present to you - the Thrip-inator!

    Darn, I was hoping someone had finally come up with a failproof solution. What if the airflow was maintained a bit stronger, but you put a loose mesh on the end to keep foliage from getting sucked in?
  18. P

    My pepper isn't doing anything!

    Don't be scared of topping Dday--it will force the plant to grow leaves elsewhere to make up for the loss. Another trick to promote growth in bare areas is to provide strong light where you would like to see more new growth.
  19. P

    What is it about Aji?

    Are there thrips in your neighbourhood? Thrips damage on newly budding leaves can also cause crinkling. Ultra hard to see and they have strong dietary preferences (for example, the thrips I find in my environment go munching in the order of: ginger, thai hots, cayenne, and then any other plants...
  20. P

    What's the coldest weather your plants have experienced?

    Noticed that mine showed some cold stress when they were in the mid 30s to low 40s range for two months or so (mature plants). But an occasional dip is fine, as long as it's above freezing--they actually seem to do better with a temperature differential between day and night.   I think some...