What is it about Aji?

I have several types of Aji and all seem to exhibit this same, appears to be trait where all the leaves curl up and inward tightly long their long axis. I know pictures are a great deal of help but access to a camera at the time of posting was not possible. I was kind of hoping this was a common occurrence that could be clarified without the pictorial aid. I will supply later if not the case. .
sounds almost like there too hot
check your temp aji like it hot but not too hot
just a thought
thanks your friend joe
okee dokee. 1000w dimmable HPS running @750w. Aji cito is roughly 28" below light 1st 2 pics. The next 2 pics 7 pot barrackapoire, orange manzano, white Peruvian hab and a pimenta de neyde  are roughly 10" further due to size location and size of growing container.

ajijoe said:
sounds almost like there too hot
check your temp aji like it hot but not too hot
just a thought
thanks your friend joe
I was concerned with that. I placed my hand much closer to the bulb then the plants are and there was no discomfort whatsoever. I also have a oscillating fan blowing over the entire growing area. room temps @750w get up to 85-90 running a 12/12 cycle.
You may have pests. There are what looks like shed skins, small flecks of white on your leaves. Check underneath the leaves for aphids or mites or similar.

It could be anything, like perlite dust, but I don't see you using it in the pics. Hope I'm wrong!

Good luck.
Although it seems like a bonus, dimming an HID reduces its lifespan greatly, something like 20-25%. Wish I could help with the growth/pest problem, just got into growing peppers myself though :)
How and or are you feeding them?
Been working on the aphids.   Not feeding anything yet, used miracle grow as a base substrate and it already has food added and I don't want to burn them on top of everything else they have endured.
HP22BH said:
Been working on the aphids.  
When you say " been working on the aphids", how big of a problem do you have? Those first couple pics are of plants that really look like crap. Something is seriously wrong.
Mites cause leaves to curl down so you can rule that out if it isn't aphids. Never had to deal with a large aphid infestation so I'm not sure what the extreme damage looks like.
  • Location:Illinois Growing Zone 5A and the 50th CCW state
I LOLed at the last part. While it is true technically, at least you can now, and IL is "will" issue. I think it takes an act of God to get a permit in NY or CA and other "may" issue states.
WHOA!!! What are you feeding those things? Are those leaves as crispy as they look, like dried herbs? If your other plants didn't look so good, and you hadn't made the mention of no feeding yet, I'd swear we have a case of severe overfeeding. Those sure do look like they're getting fried!I use MG potting soil also, and have never had that issue, so that rules that out. I dunno..... maybe you got a "sick" batch of seeds? I grew aji limons in MG last year with no notable issues. I know this doesn't help much, but good luck!
Jeff H said:
When you say " been working on the aphids", how big of a problem do you have? Those first couple pics are of plants that really look like crap. Something is seriously wrong.
Mites cause leaves to curl down so you can rule that out if it isn't aphids. Never had to deal with a large aphid infestation so I'm not sure what the extreme damage looks like.
I LOLed at the last part. While it is true technically, at least you can now, and IL is "will" issue. I think it takes an act of God to get a permit in NY or CA and other "may" issue states.
I have released over 3000 ladybugs since Feb. As of now, they are in check. but I cannot afford any quarter as they multiply very quickly. Aphids and an indoor grow is devastating. I may someday post pictures of the devastation they can inflict, but not today.
Maybe after I am SMOKIN' HOT.
Yes, I agree. the last part is really only technically correct when considering may or shall. But I have to hand it to some of the pro gun politicians who negotiated the final bill. guns can print and/or must be partially concealed.
Buzz said:
WHOA!!! What are you feeding those things? Are those leaves as crispy as they look, like dried herbs? If your other plants didn't look so good, and you hadn't made the mention of no feeding yet, I'd swear we have a case of severe overfeeding. Those sure do look like they're getting fried!I use MG potting soil also, and have never had that issue, so that rules that out. I dunno..... maybe you got a "sick" batch of seeds? I grew aji limons in MG last year with no notable issues. I know this doesn't help much, but good luck!
No, I know why you ask as they do appear to be dried out but they are not crunchy at all. they are quite tender.
Yep, reminds me of what my plants looked like during my aphidpocalypse several months ago.  Are the leaves sticky?  Aphids secrete a resin called honeydew that can coat plants and prevent respiration.
The Aji cristal that was in as bad of shape as the Aji cito pictured has begun to form buds. as a matter of fact all my Ajis have recovered and will survive to produce pods. It was the lighting that was causing the issue I just have not gotten the light intensity , distance figured out yet.
I have the same thing going on with mine, but, they are in a raised bed.  Oddly enough, only the Ajis, and a couple other non-chinenses are affected.  I'm attributing it to stupid over ferting, which I happen to be quite good at.  Only new growth is affected.


chile_freak said:
Looks like aphid damage! Just saying!
Not a single one, just saying.  My chinense bed is fine, but the ajis and other annuums are affected.  The beds are side by side.
Are there thrips in your neighbourhood? Thrips damage on newly budding leaves can also cause crinkling. Ultra hard to see and they have strong dietary preferences (for example, the thrips I find in my environment go munching in the order of: ginger, thai hots, cayenne, and then any other plants I have potted).