i get this stuff from the grow shop that is kinda like a soft bread tie .. it looks like a roll of wire but its like memory wire .. that way its easy to let out when the plant grows
coco is awsome! you get the good points of hydro and the good points of dirt with less of the drawbacks of either . I have a flood table full of coco and chilis and another with chilis in pots in coco with a drip
you know .. this guy could fix this shit so easy. All that it takes is honesty and a bit of foresight . With the love judy gets on here , it seems like he would just follow suit on the customer service .. he could have easily made a good go of it .. sad.
probly but the flood and drain fittings squeeze down tight and have a hose barb on them .. that will make things super ez.
then you just make much smaller holes in a lid to run the hose thru . i usually put some gorilla tape around the holes after that to keep the light out. If you dont have an...
if i was you i would buy a couple bulkheads .. you can use flood and drain fittings without the extension on them. and install them in the drain end. then you can just run hose into your rez . you can buy new lids for that tote you use as a rez at walmart.