seeds-germination Forcing the germination in the oven

I live up north where winter seems forever...
So to help my seeds to germinate, I got an old kitchen stove 
I did install a dimmer instead of the control and place inside, at the bottom, two 40 watt bulbs. 
it releases enough heat to maintain the temperature between 80-85°F (25-30°C.)
(maybe one can be good) I ajust the dimmer to get the good temp with the door the door ajar 1"
this open the light and give fresh air to the seedling
I leave it open all day and close for the night.
this way I don't have to over heat a full room $$$
I have done that, it turns out someone in my family doesn't read the note on the oven before turning it on. They always bake my seeds at 375 deg F.

I do have an Autoclave used for sterilizing med EQ with heat. I thought about setting that up for some low temp sprouting.
I used a styrofoam box and 2 liter soda bottle full of water.  Microwave the water once a day to maintain desired temps.  Stupid cheap with great temperature stability, at the cost of daily servicing.  But since anyone germinating seeds is going to be anxiously checking for progress anyway...
McGuiver said:
I have done that, it turns out someone in my family doesn't read the note on the oven before turning it on. They always bake my seeds at 375 deg F.

I do have an Autoclave used for sterilizing med EQ with heat. I thought about setting that up for some low temp sprouting.
Ouch. Next time tape the note to the buttons/knob!
spysee said:
Ouch. Next time tape the note to the buttons/knob!
I did, but they ignored it. I even had pumpkin seeds drying the same way in the oven after washing and de-sliming them. Well I ended up with toasted pumpkin seeds. They were good to eat. I just need my own oven in the garage. LOL