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  1. J

    Help IDing.

    Its lacking the wrinkly skin and the tail to be a reaper. Cut one open n see what it smells like if uts reaper it will have a very strong smell
  2. J

    List of Super Hot Peppers with good flavor?

    Black pearl peppers arent superhot probably same heat as a pequin. Some people call them black tepins. When they green (black) they have a black pepper taste when ripe to red they are ok but no where near as good tasting as a pequin
  3. J

    wanted Looking for a few seeds

    Have these if u interesnted they are wild type. From left to right is wat we call "mexican japones" which is a goats weed cross i believe. Middle one is texas tepin also known as "del monte" and last one is a piquin
  4. J

    preservation Vinegar n salt only

    It should last up to 6 mths. I tried doing the same to some 7 pot yellows and the vinegar flavor is too strong.
  5. J

    preservation Vinegar n salt only

    Is there such a thing as just blending peppers with vinegar n salt and come up with this Trying to dulpicate it. I know thats all they use and it lasts forever on fridge. Its mainly piquin peppers n im trying to do the samw with some super hots to preserve them instead of just drying them. Is...
  6. J

    Are 7 pots yellows sometimes enlongated?

    Grew several plants and all of them produce regular round pods except for one. It puts out these long pods wondering if this is normal or maybe its a different pepper. Plant is identical as the others just pod shape is different
  7. J

    Ripen off the plant

    It depends how early its picked. I heard of people putting a ripe tomatoe n the green peppers in a paper bag n closing it and leaving it on the counter for a few days n they ripen
  8. J

    First Reaper Pods for A Newbie

    Sometimes they fall out on their own thats why i never pinch mine
  9. J

    Piquin with cracked skin

    Ive pulled hundreds of them off and never remember seeing ine with cracked skin like jalapeƱos
  10. J

    Why do you grow peppers?

    We are all here because we love peppers but why do we grow them? I supose we can just walk into a nursery and buy the varieties we like and go home and plant them like everybody else but instead we have to invest so much more money and time. We have to go out n buy seed starting trays, heat...
  11. J

    Help with the ID

    U got the wrong link theres no pod pics
  12. J

    Flowering chilli | HD footage

    How many plants do u have
  13. J

    health Dying plant? Not sure what is wrong.

    I usually give them a little trim when they wilt and dont recover on their own.
  14. J

    cloning Cloning peppers (water bottle)

    I have some cuttings that are 5 days old and none have shown roots. I also took some tomatoe cuttings and they are 3 days old and just showing roots today. Ive tried cloning them in soil in the past with plastic bag over the pot even spraying them every now and then with no sucess
  15. J


    This is the same plant from the above pic i had posted earlier. I put it in the ground n it lost its blackness so to say. Anyway here is a pic with some pods turning green right before turning red. I grew several frim seeds just because of the black leaves and it was sold to me as black pearl...
  16. J

    I Review The Vietnamese Red

    Is that the vietnamese tear jerker?
  17. J

    Chili Peppers Could Free Us From Opioids

    I had only heard of benefits from cayenne peppers but i like to think all peppers should be the same
  18. J

    Long time lurker, First time poster

    Welcome aboard
  19. J

    Bought some Red Hab's

    Are they carribean?
  20. J

    Pepper People are the Best

    I checked my mail n i found a packet from chiltepin. I was expecting only 2 or 3 varieties and suprised to find awhole lot more. I will be planting all of them thank you chiltepin