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  1. TheFanMan

    does anyone have pics of plants from seeds you got from me??

    one of the NOT Scotch Bonnet Yellow Jamaican pods ripened. looks like a cross to me. the Scotch bonnet yellow jamaiian next to it has some nice bonnet shaped pods though :drooling:
  2. TheFanMan

    TheFanMan's 2012/2013 GLog, Harvest Time :)

    first ripe pod of the season, also the first NOT of the season NOT Scotch Bonnet Yellow Jamaican Scotch Bonnet Yellow Jamaican Heavy Pratermissium. C. Pratermissium
  3. TheFanMan

    contest VOTE! Curry Throwdown

    some fantastic looking entries but DTS's entry just looks delicious.
  4. TheFanMan

    Mill's 2013

  5. TheFanMan

    DesertChris' High Desert Extreme Gardening Glog

    sounds pretty harsh for the plants up there.
  6. TheFanMan

    seeds Germination and early growth: Jiffy Pucks Vs Seed Raising mix Vs Coir peat Vs papertowel and baggy V

    28/2/13 - 26 Days Jiffys - 3/8 Seed raising mix - 6/8 Damp paper towel in baggy - 5/8 Coir peat - 1/8 Dirt - 0/8
  7. TheFanMan

    music What Are You Listening To Right Now?

    old and odd
  8. TheFanMan

    seeds Germination and early growth: Jiffy Pucks Vs Seed Raising mix Vs Coir peat Vs papertowel and baggy V

    yeh i can't explain it, not what i was expecting at all. 23/2/13 - 21 Days Jiffys - 1/8 Seed raising mix - 6/8 Damp paper towel in baggy - 3/8 Coir peat - 1/8 Dirt - 0/8 26/2/13 - 24 Days Jiffys - 2/8 Seed raising mix - 6/8 Damp paper towel in baggy - 4/8 Coir peat - 1/8 Dirt - 0/8
  9. TheFanMan

    Megamoo's 2012/2013 Glog

    what are those seeds in? tea bags?
  10. TheFanMan

    pod 7 pot/pod Jonah, TS Yellow CARDI

    im pretty sure both those plants can have a wide variety of pod shapes.
  11. TheFanMan

    does anyone have pics of plants from seeds you got from me??

    i have about 6 different strains of SB growing in that garden and right form the stat the yellow Jamaican one has been different. different growth patterns and now elongated pods. I'm not really worried, iv been suspecting something was up with this guy for quite some time, just have to wait for...
  12. TheFanMan

    does anyone have pics of plants from seeds you got from me??

    same two plants a posted pics of last week, they have bushed out quite a lot Scotch bonnet yellow Jamaican pod on scotch bonnet yellow Jamaican. am i right in thinking it looks a bit long? scotch bonnet chocolate
  13. TheFanMan

    seeds Germination and early growth: Jiffy Pucks Vs Seed Raising mix Vs Coir peat Vs papertowel and baggy V

    22/2/13 - 20 Days Jiffys - 1/8 Seed raising mix - 6/8 Damp paper towel in baggy - 2/8 Coir peat - 1/8 Dirt - 0/8 its a bag of seed raising mix (not sure whats in it), that i have added coir and vermiculite to. ill have a look at the bag tomorrow and see what it says.
  14. TheFanMan

    The Subway Foot-long Face-off Challenge

    didn't he break the rules by telling us? (thus disqualifying him self)
  15. TheFanMan


    nice list Joe, will be following for sure.
  16. TheFanMan

    seeds Germination and early growth: Jiffy Pucks Vs Seed Raising mix Vs Coir peat Vs papertowel and baggy V

    19/2/13 - 17 Days Jiffys - 1/8 Seed raising mix - 6/8 Damp paper towel in baggy - 1/8 Coir peat - 1/8 Dirt - 0/8
  17. TheFanMan

    misc Baby lady bugs?

    Glad i didn't leave them on my peppers, the yellow eggs is a good point, the eggs i found were white. don't know if we have those guys in my area don't know if we have those guys Don't think i have seen the younger stages, iv only seen adult ladybugs. yeh, there was a velvety white egg...
  18. TheFanMan

    misc Baby lady bugs?

    http://en.wikipedia....rmonia_axyridis These guys? They are the main variety of lady bugs we have in AUS, or else the ones we have look very similar. apparently their diet is Diet: Both adults and larvae of Asian Multicolored Lady Beetles feed voraciously on aphids, mites, scale, and other...
  19. TheFanMan

    Goat Pen for garden space

    i think with the goats living there they will most likely have packed the dirt down pretty hard (think sheep's foot roller), i suggest you break up the soil well (and deep) before you plant.