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  1. snagglepuss

    snagglepuss's 2014

    Nice list, makes me jealous just reading it. How did you get the yellow daisy cutter? I got them from someone on Facebook, we will see what they turn out to be on a few months, same with a few other varieties.
  2. snagglepuss

    snagglepuss's 2014

    quite a few starting to germinate & some have gone into the grow tent
  3. snagglepuss

    snagglepuss's 2014

    started my 2014 grow log so far started the following   Allen m boatman true jamacian scotch bonnet Jays red scorpion Jays peach scorpion Bhut jolokia rust Trinidad sunrise x choc scorp Yellow daisy cutter Moruga x primo Yellow naga Carolina reaper Jigsaw Habanero Vietnam Brown moruga 7 pot lava...
  4. snagglepuss

    Nightshades Grow(New wilds)

    my 7pot lavas are starting to sprout cant wait for these!!! I've got 2 of my lava seeds just starting to sprout.
  5. snagglepuss

    Black Chiltepins

    i got seeds this season, i will share with both of you just PM me your address. this was one of the best tepins i ever tried any spare that you can post to the uk judy?
  6. snagglepuss

    hybrid What's your BEST cross???

    all I know about it is its a cross between a scotch bonnet & 7 pot Jonah
  7. snagglepuss


    I've found judy,s service & products excellent, even though I've had problems with seeds not being what they were supposed to be.
  8. snagglepuss

    wanted looking for different stuff

    Superhots wilds a few milds I can get you fruit seeds just let me know I can spare the varieties you want what superhots do you have?
  9. snagglepuss

    pink tiger seeds

    IF anyone can get some more, I have tons and tons of pure seed to trade or I can purchase them! try enrico lai via Facebook that's were mine came from.
  10. snagglepuss

    pink tiger seeds

    they cost me €5 but he also sent me 2 more different types as he said he didn't need anymore varieties. try to see if he will sell you some.
  11. snagglepuss

    wanted looking for different stuff

    I think I have a few that might work to trade. Your list is impressive tho just let me know.
  12. snagglepuss

    wanted looking for different stuff

    What would you want for flexousum? And locato? I'll check stock levels when I get home from work, what you got to offer?
  13. snagglepuss

    wanted looking for different stuff

    Really impressive say that your interested in anything different, does that mean peppers, or are you open to others, such as tomatoes? I'm open to others, veg, fruit whatever I'm not fussy. Is this real life. I would love a few of these varieties but what else is left haha...
  14. snagglepuss

    wanted looking for different stuff

    Crap, I couldn't find one variety I didn't have on there. lol. Great list though!!! Wait, I take that back..maybe 3-4 types. :) Who are you? You came on here with only 6 posts and a list a mile and a half long...just curious if you can introduce yourself a bit.. Long time grower? Seed...
  15. snagglepuss

    pink tiger seeds

    Let me see your Stuff !! List ?
  16. snagglepuss

    pink tiger seeds

    yeah Nigel
  17. snagglepuss

    wanted looking for different stuff

    this is my trade list looking for anything different if anyone is interested in swapping.
  18. snagglepuss

    pink tiger seeds

    managed to get hold off some from a guy in Italy via Facebook.
  19. snagglepuss

    pink tiger seeds

    does anyone have any spare pink tiger seeds, I've loads of stuff to trade.
  20. snagglepuss

    wanted Seeds Wanted

    what seeds you looking for?