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    I still considerthe butch t the hottest becasue it has the hottest avg which means on any given day inany given growroom/backyard,you can pick one pod off of any plant and I would bet on the butch t being the hottest... I dont believe this thing avgs over 1.3m
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    Ghost pepper?

    They look bhut-y to me but not like my red bhuts completely. But the shape and inside look very very similar.. DO they smell at all chlorine-ish or otherwise chemically when they are green and cut open? That's how I describe my bhuts when i smelle them esp when they are completely green (reds...
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    My first supper hots, how best to enjoy them.

    Ya they are wicked hot its insane!!!! bhuts are sickkkk.. I just had one today again and a dorset naga and they both have that searing tongue feeling and under the tongue as well.. And also, being that the heat is mostly in the placenta, if you trie the tip first you prob didnt get much at all...
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    are these bhuts?

    SOMETHING about them, especially the first one reminds my of a bhut, like if it wa a bhut that got inflated or something. But I would guess that its a cross. Maybe a hab or 7pod crossed with a bhut?
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    Although I won't believe thehottest pepper in the world hype until it is tested and recognized by guiness to beat the butch t, (yes butch t not moruga because that is avg 1.2m butch t is 1.4) I do feel that if they want to charge $100 per pack of seeds they should be able ot. Why, because they...
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    Who has the best Butch T plant?

    I woud think Butch Taylor would have the best since heprob has one several years older than anyone else.. Hopefully lol... I wanna grow this plant tho.
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    TSMB Article in HortTech

    1.2mil.. Nothing that much worse than the bhut. LOL.. KNew it was mostly hype... If it hits 2mil good but still thats nly .5m higher than the peak for the bhut.... Still thiknk all sueprs are close.. And I think when the carolin reaper scomes out irt will be the same as all the others.. however...
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    The humane thing to do...

    Aww. Sorry for your loss man. I can imagine how it feels. Hope you feel better soon man. :( and that is an awesome looking cat!
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    how long does it take for this pepper to turn red ?

    Not sure what that is, but I know my first ghost peppers took soo long to turn red and now they are all ripening very fast so I think once the first one ripens or the first couple, they will all folow suit and do so much faster.
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    Good fumes!

    LMFAOOOOO People are gonna flip
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    auction Short mixed auction

    hahahaha I like snakes.. They wait and then BAM!!!!!!!!!!!! Ur hit!! lol I just wanna try some damned fresh supers and such to compare to my bhuts
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    Mites, virus what?

    Really?? Aweomse.. o you think with proper fertilziing I can get good sized plants in 1-3 gallons?
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    Mites, virus what?

    Damnit,.. If thats the case then i just took off so many leaves and worried and drenched my plants in insecticide soap and some neem spray on a couple fo rno reason.. BUT i did find aphid looking things int he bhut soil... so i soacked that too... idk what im gonna do.. dont wanna bring them...
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    Mites, virus what?

    THIS phenomenon is spreading on my pepper plants indoors and they are very close to my carnivrous plants and other plants indoors under lights.. what do i do? insecticidal soap...
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    annuum What Jalapeno should I grow?

    I'm with Powtawie. I have my Fresno seeds from store bought peppers germinating now. I'm gonna grow probably three pots of them since they are delicious. I've been ranting about them since I ate one this week lol Hey for all you Fresno growers, how big do thy get. Can they get a good size in...
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    Ordering fresh pods question

    ya from the sellers ive spoken with recentl, most boxed pods arent isoloated, but its worth sowing some if you dont need purebred peppers becasue they can come out either very simlar and unnoticeable, or better even.. If its one you dont like the cross of, toss it.. No harm done.
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    chinense Assam Bhut Jolokia vs the Bhut Jolokia question

    Awesome ya let me know. If there is anything I have that you want at that time I'd be more than happy to give you some too
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    have a good way to rid of squash bugs

    Try food safe Insecticidal soap??? I know it worked on my mite infestation on some other plants that neem didnt stop.. Also, boil up some hot peppers and spray that? The capsaicin messes up inverts nervous systems.