I cut the podsin half throw them into my dehydrator until they are as dry as can be, usually about 24 hours, and then put them in a coffee grinder for a couple spins and the powder is made. Be careful when yu open the grinder tho because the powder can get puffed into the air
Ya white bullets to me are nasssstyyyy/ I havea couple dried ones lol. I am still gonna grow a plant of them tho cuz 1 they are cool and 2 i wanna make some other white crosses. but I dont have any sauce recommendations cuz I wouldnt put them in my food haha
It depends. Like I boiled myself a bowl of tortellini soup and ate almost all of the broth myslef and in it i boild a douglah that i cut in half and threw both pieces in. That was plenty hot but definitely bearable. I couldve gone alot hotter but it wouldve ruined the flavor imo. I would keep it...
I'll say out of those, the bhuts ive had are consistently the hottest, and then moruga had the hottest individual pepper but one wasnt too bad.. The brain was actually one of the weaker pods ive had. Douglah are consistently liek lava as well..
7 TO me tho all peppers either taste like a bhut or like a yellow 7. And themoruga is int he bhut category..> I dont taste ANY sweet as in sugar in any superhots.
Should've ended with...
But the victim was a chili head and longtime member of TheHotPepper.com and retaliated with her own pepper spray, but instead fo using jalapenos, she used something called the Moruga Scorpion and now the original assailant can't see
I pinched the first 2 flushes when they were indoors and under 1' tall then i let them grow them out after that. They definately get a growth spurt if you pinch the first couple bud flushes off.
Yea the way I did it I should get normal Douglah and normal yellow 7 pods on each plant simultaneously. I did it so that the genes shouldn't have been shared but who knows its a plant so anything can happen. Ill see when I see the pods. If the genes did merge then I would get a crossed pod...
Hottest individual pepper was a moruga i got in themail, but the hottest avg was by FAR the bhuts. and they were second hottest individual not too far off. SO ya..
Thanks :) And yup. Thats my plant. To have differnt pods on different branches. I would like to get green and red peppers. Ifi can get some 7pod evergreens it would be awesome. thats and red morugas would look sick!
OK so plant A lost its smaller leaves o the douglah scion but it has one decent sized leaf on each of the two branches an dit isnt wilted anymore so it should grow new leaves very soon. Plant B seems to be fully acclimated under thelights with no humidity bag, but I am going to keep it moist at...